CadburyChocolate's Questions
CadburyChocolate asked 10 questions
Friendship emergency! In my friendship group, there are two girls who are literally bes...

I'm jealous of my best friend! What do I do? My best friend has everything that I reall...

Anybody got a good story plot line? Hi! I'd like to write a story for my friend who is ...
Friends Fallout: What do I do? My friend text me the other day saying she didn't want t...

How can I stop my sister playing horrible music ALL the time? My sisters always playing...

Am I rubbish at everything? There is one person in particular who says "meh it's ok i g...

Anyone know any games to play at a sleepover? I'm having a sleepover real soon, and I n...

Party emergency! My sister is having a party and she doesn't know what theme she should...

How long did girls have plaits in WW2? NEED TO KNOW THE ANSWER! please...