New Story - In Need of Characters Yes, believe it or not, I'm bringing out ANOTHER story. Thanks to the permission I got from @Crazy_fangirl_of_Harley_Quinn, I am able to write a different version to her "Wrong world, wrong fairytale" story. It will follow a similar concept, except it will be the Gods of Olympus being replaced by mortals from around the world. Characters may be the following Gods (and yes, males will be needed too): Zeus - Kyle Monroe (@Queen.Mischief) Hera - Clarissa Woods (@Crazy_fangirl_of_Harley_Quinn) Poseidon - William Fulton (@ACupOfTaeTwoSugaCubesAndAKookie) Ares - Kotak Sezzion (@SpinnerFTW) Apollo - Tetsab Siriso (@Itchy_Eyebrows) Hephaestus - Deion Bodaway (@DaNerdBird) Hermes - Jacob Matthews (@Segaleelee) Dionysus - James Orcan (@Do_Not_Fear_The_Reaper) Athena - Kathrine Holmes (@Rebel_Assassin) Aphrodite - Jasmine Evergreen (@Chocolate_And_Cheese) Artemis - Katarina Evaness (@Lady_Artemis) Demeter - Liza Graham (@PoisonousSugar) To become a part of this, fill out this form: Name: Age: Gender: Country: Strengths: Weaknesses: Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Extra:
Answers (12)
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Name: Kyle Monroe
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Usually lazy but is very good at digital designs and hacking computers
Weaknesses: Hit him in the stomach he is likely to collapse very easily or hurt the ones he loves he'll feel useless if he can't help them
Looks like: Zues See More
Extra: He loves doing pranks sometimes
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Usually lazy but is very good at digital designs and hacking computers
Weaknesses: Hit him in the stomach he is likely to collapse very easily or hurt the ones he loves he'll feel useless if he can't help them
Looks like: Zues See More
Extra: He loves doing pranks sometimes
on November 24, 2016
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Name: James Orcan
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: Australia
Strengths: Iron guts, quite burly because of his job as a tradie
Weaknesses: A bit on the simple side and is a rowdy drunk
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Dionysus See More
Extra: God damn he can drink!
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Country: Australia
Strengths: Iron guts, quite burly because of his job as a tradie
Weaknesses: A bit on the simple side and is a rowdy drunk
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Dionysus See More
Extra: God damn he can drink!

on November 24, 2016
on November 24, 2016
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Name: Jacob Matthews
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Very athletic, likes sports, can run really fast.
Weaknesses: Getting hurt, his friends getting picked on.
Looks like: Hermes See More
Extra: Hmmmm... I got nothing....
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Very athletic, likes sports, can run really fast.
Weaknesses: Getting hurt, his friends getting picked on.
Looks like: Hermes See More
Extra: Hmmmm... I got nothing....
on November 23, 2016
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Name: William Fulton
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Good swimmer, good with animals,
Weaknesses: Extremely impatient, can't handle decision making
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Poseidon See More
Extra: He stands out a lot, which can be a bad thing at times. He likes anything with a lot of salt.
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country: USA
Strengths: Good swimmer, good with animals,
Weaknesses: Extremely impatient, can't handle decision making
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Poseidon See More
Extra: He stands out a lot, which can be a bad thing at times. He likes anything with a lot of salt.

Eyyyy you finally made it!!!!
on November 15, 2016
on November 15, 2016
on November 15, 2016
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@Rebel_Assasin See More
Thanks to @Crazy_fangirl_of_Harley_Quinn, the female slots have been taken!
HOWEVER, I may consider letting you guys submit a 2nd OC, since we still need 4 males: Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, and Dionysus.
@ACupOfTaeTwoSugaCubesAndAKookie I'm still waiting for you to submit an OC, so please hurry before it's too late!
@Rebel_Assasin See More
Thanks to @Crazy_fangirl_of_Harley_Quinn, the female slots have been taken!
HOWEVER, I may consider letting you guys submit a 2nd OC, since we still need 4 males: Zeus, Poseidon, Hermes, and Dionysus.
@ACupOfTaeTwoSugaCubesAndAKookie I'm still waiting for you to submit an OC, so please hurry before it's too late!
on November 15, 2016
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Name: Clarissa Woods
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country; USA
Strength: skilled in Gymnastics, she is good with Animals and children and is skilled in sports.
Weaknesses: she is easily angered and provoked
Looks like: Hera See More
Extra: none
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country; USA
Strength: skilled in Gymnastics, she is good with Animals and children and is skilled in sports.
Weaknesses: she is easily angered and provoked
Looks like: Hera See More
Extra: none
on November 15, 2016
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Name: Tetsab Siriso
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Country: Egypt
Strengths: He can withstand high heats, he has a love for music, he can handle animals pretty well, he's a speed swimmer
Weaknesses: He's afraid of the dark, he can be a bit lazy at times, he can't sing worth a crap (which drives people away from him, because he tries to sing a lot)
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Apollo See More
Extra: He's really short and can be lost in a crowd really easily. Also, he writes in hieroglyphics to confuse people. He's bilingual, and mixes his languages at times (He knows English and Latin)
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Country: Egypt
Strengths: He can withstand high heats, he has a love for music, he can handle animals pretty well, he's a speed swimmer
Weaknesses: He's afraid of the dark, he can be a bit lazy at times, he can't sing worth a crap (which drives people away from him, because he tries to sing a lot)
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Apollo See More
Extra: He's really short and can be lost in a crowd really easily. Also, he writes in hieroglyphics to confuse people. He's bilingual, and mixes his languages at times (He knows English and Latin)

Oho our characters will be Godly siblings!!!
on November 10, 2016
on November 10, 2016
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You 5 have so far been confirmed :)
@MinyoongigeniusJjangjjangmanBboongbbong See More
Still awaiting on your form.
You 5 have so far been confirmed :)
@MinyoongigeniusJjangjjangmanBboongbbong See More
Still awaiting on your form.
Shit, I forgot
If you're waiting to start the story, go ahead and start it
If you're waiting to start the story, go ahead and start it
on November 04, 2016
on November 04, 2016
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Can I? Can I?
Name: Kathrine Holmes (SEE WHAT I DID THERE ;D)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: ... America.
Strengths: Observant, smart Alek, fast reader and pretty good at math
Weaknesses: Not the best at remembering certain things, not to strong, and kinda non-trusting See More
Looks like: Athena
Extra: Kinda shy and I guess little social skills.
(Sorry, kinda just got over a really bad day so I'm hyper >_<)
Name: Kathrine Holmes (SEE WHAT I DID THERE ;D)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: ... America.
Strengths: Observant, smart Alek, fast reader and pretty good at math
Weaknesses: Not the best at remembering certain things, not to strong, and kinda non-trusting See More
Looks like: Athena
Extra: Kinda shy and I guess little social skills.
(Sorry, kinda just got over a really bad day so I'm hyper >_<)

Uhh... I don't get the name? Am I supposed to?

Kathrine isn't supposed to refer to anything.
However, I meant Holmes (Homes? Whatever) As in Sherlock Holmes
However, I meant Holmes (Homes? Whatever) As in Sherlock Holmes
on November 03, 2016
on November 02, 2016
on November 02, 2016
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Name: Jasmine Evergreen
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: England
Strengths: caring, funny, good with relationships
Weaknesses: Easily scared
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Aphrodite See More
Extra: N/A
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Country: England
Strengths: caring, funny, good with relationships
Weaknesses: Easily scared
Looks like: (This means which God do they mostly look like, and therefore who they will replace) Aphrodite See More
Extra: N/A
on November 02, 2016
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Name: Kotak Sezzion
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: England
Strengths: Extremely good at hand to hand combat(Punches, counters and blocking, has a large amount of strength, can move and react quite quick, determined, can crack a joke.
Weakness: Lacks in swordsmanship, has trouble fighting people who expert in kicks, his godly power is unpracticed.
Looks: Ares. See More
Extra: Enjoys a drink, has a soft heart, is always looking to grow stronger.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Country: England
Strengths: Extremely good at hand to hand combat(Punches, counters and blocking, has a large amount of strength, can move and react quite quick, determined, can crack a joke.
Weakness: Lacks in swordsmanship, has trouble fighting people who expert in kicks, his godly power is unpracticed.
Looks: Ares. See More
Extra: Enjoys a drink, has a soft heart, is always looking to grow stronger.
on November 02, 2016