how do I resist falling in love with a girl? ok, so there is this girl that I have 7th hour with and we are in a group together ( just me and her) and she is so nice and she's really pretty, but she's taken so I don't want fall in love with her, but my heart keeps wanting to...how do I stop myself from falling in love with her?
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Sorry, but love is love....try and get Close to other girls, and hopefully you will fall in love with them instead.
on March 22, 2016
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Let it go. Love is what really matters. Just love her as a Freind. Let it go is the way to go.
on March 17, 2016
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You can't. Emotion is one of the most impossible things to control. But message me and keep me updated. I'll try and help in any way that I can
on October 29, 2014
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Distractions are good and so is looking into other girls but I know that is very difficult for you so just stay strong for now and keep yourself in check until October.
on September 10, 2014
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Being in love with someone isn't all about dating them. You can have a crush on her, but just try not to interfere with the relationship she already has. Whenever I fall in love, I prefer to dream about the person rather than actually date them. In your dreams, she can be anything you want her to be and she can't hurt you.

That's nice and all but that's not a real relationship...

Exactly. You can't but you can restrain yourself from them and distract yourself from them. Unfortunately, @rocklord has an acute issue that this "treatment" may not handle as well.
on September 14, 2014
on September 10, 2014
on September 10, 2014
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Well I agree with distracting yourself but it may be a good idea not to pay attention to any girls in general. I'm sorry this is horrible advice usually I at least write a bit more, in sorry
on September 10, 2014
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Distract yourself and find another love. It's pretty much the only way to stop completely obsessing over something/one. Be it music, another girl, art, a sport or God, something else helps.
on September 09, 2014
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Fact is, you can't. But you CAN try. Look around at other girls, there are many fish in the sea. I'm sure eventually you'll find one you like, and the only person she'll want to date is you. Let yourself like this girl a little, but if she's in a happy relationship, I'm sure you can find someone else! Sorry if this is cruddy advice.
on September 09, 2014