Does anyone else find R.P's stupid? Especially BrotherXSister R.P's.
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I love role playing! It's a great way to escape and just let the world you in come to life with a friend, plus anything can happen :P sure there are some bad rps and people who I think RP because everyone else is and don't get into but hey, whatcha ya gonna do? :P
on March 22, 2016
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Nah, I love roleplaying
It's a creative outlet like writing, but you're working with another person instead of on your own
It's a creative outlet like writing, but you're working with another person instead of on your own
on May 05, 2017
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I don't find RP stupid. Perhaps, it can be seen as a wase of time, to RP as something that will never actually happen, but in the same way, its a chance to imagine what would happen in a certain scenario. So for me, I find them rather interesting (most of the time) and a way to escape reality besides reading. I also agree with there being some bad RP's (such as Killing Without Permissio, overly unrealistic things or overpowered people, *cough cough* Mary Sues and Gary stus *cough See More cough*.) Not everyone has good grammar or spelling, and english may not always be their first language, but as long as they are trying, why should we criticise them for it? Alrhough I do try to correct certain mistakes so people can learn from them. Although there are some strange RP's, I'm not going to be one to judge.
on December 04, 2016
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Some role plays are okay, like maybe role play between two characters in a romantic setting or something like that. But I don't really like the brother or sister role plays because it is just weird. The characters in said RP might not even look alike or come from remotely the same place/ movie/TV show/book. I do like acting and role plays, but some are just weird.
on November 29, 2016
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There might be some rps that can be bad (bad roleplayers) but so far the rps I have done are awesome.
on March 22, 2016
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Rps are awesome what's so wrong about it?

*AHEM* Do BroxSis r.p's come to mind?
on March 22, 2016
on March 22, 2016