I Needs Help -_- So, as some of you know, im bi. If you havent, congrats! You learn something new everyday. Anyway, im the type of person who just randomly hugs you and plays with you're hair, even if you're a stranger. Doesn't have anything to do with me being bi, just the way I am. My friends find it a bit strange and often joke about me being lesbian. Should i tell them i'm bi? Would it ruin our friendship?
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All my friends at school... The kinda "random" group (that's a REALLY huge group) we always hug random people and play with each others hair but none of us are lesbians, so it's a normal thing for a girl to do those things. If they're really your friends, they'll accept you how you are. Being bi or les doesn't mean you'll have a crush on one of them.. U less u do. I hope this helps!
on September 11, 2014
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Truthfully I wouldn't find it weird at all and I don't mind my friend licking or biting me regularly so I think I may have simply adopted to weirdness but I think you should at least tell your best friend
on September 11, 2014
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Yes, you should. There's NOTHING to be ashamed of. If she hates on you because you tell her, she doesn't deserve to be your friends. And those jokes about you being lesbian? That is NOT right! X-(
Anyways, good luck! :)
Anyways, good luck! :)
on September 11, 2014
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i think its normal to be bi or even lesbian and if your friends don't accept you for what you are then maybe find other friends and if you feel bothered when they call u a lesbian maybe tell them about it
on March 17, 2020
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I think you should, if they can't respect you how you truly are, they aren't the best friends.
on March 24, 2015
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Don't think it would ruin your friendship, just slightly tick them off... Just also tell them you don't have any feelings for them... If you do ask them how they feel about it.
on September 12, 2014
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JUst tell them if your ready if they were really your friends theyd understand and accept it and like you for you :)
on September 11, 2014
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I don't think it would matter THAT overly much, I have a few bi friends, doesn't bother me
on September 11, 2014
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I told most of my friends that I'm bi. They took it ok. Although one of them told her boyfriend... -.- Anyways, that's beyond the point. I think it's perfectly fine for you to tell your friends.
on September 11, 2014
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Well, IMO it shouldn't, if they are true friends they wouldn't care, bi or not.. Or something like that...in all its your own opinion and your choice but im just saying (and I hope I am) that being a online friend and told that, I didn't mind, if they do get weirded out or anything then im sure it will pass.
P.s hope this kinda helps.
P.s hope this kinda helps.
on September 11, 2014