Is stealing to feed a starving child wrong?
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*writes something on notebook.* *sets pencil down and shows notebook of what was written.*
Words: 'Well, it's sort of good and bad thing. For one, you're stealing, which is a bad thing to do, but to feed a starving child, it seems good? And like what @CrestB said, it's almost like Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor.'
Words: 'Well, it's sort of good and bad thing. For one, you're stealing, which is a bad thing to do, but to feed a starving child, it seems good? And like what @CrestB said, it's almost like Robin Hood stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor.'
on March 02, 2018
on June 28, 2016
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on March 02, 2018
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Well my answer it's not wrong , but these these assholes (polices) are not going to get you because their busy with you instead what's really happening with this world (robbery,terrorism,r(a)pe etc.)
on June 28, 2016
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For a definite and opinionated answer, you have to be one side of the coin.
Stealing to feed a starving child is both right and wrong, as the one whom you steal from loses, while the one whom you give, benefits.
Stealing to feed a starving child is both right and wrong, as the one whom you steal from loses, while the one whom you give, benefits.
on June 28, 2016