Who Thinks We Will Be Able To Save Boris The Wolf? Boris: Help Me...'Alice' trapped my in her basement... and I'm scared...*shakes in fear* Me: HELP ME SAVE BORIS! PUT #SAVETHEWOLFIE If you want to save him with me... Bendy: #SAVETHEWOLFIE Me: Why? Bendy: *turns into Ink bendy* BECAUSE I WANT TO KICK 'ALICE'S' A-- Me: YAS YAS YAS
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yes we will!!!

Boris: *hugs Hyperthehedgehog* thank you...
Me: awwwwww
Bendy: *trys not to cry*
Me: awwwwww
Bendy: *trys not to cry*
on February 26, 2018
on February 22, 2018
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I really want to save him, because he doesn't deserve to be tortured...he's innocent...and everything that Alice did to him, was something that she shouldn't have done...Bendy would've felt the same way...because Boris was his only friend that he could ever have ever since they first met together...and I will always find a way to save him...the long as he's ok... ?
I really want to save him, because he doesn't deserve to be tortured...he's innocent...and everything that Alice did to him, was something that she shouldn't have done...Bendy would've felt the same way...because Boris was his only friend that he could ever have ever since they first met together...and I will always find a way to save him...the long as he's ok... ?
on May 17, 2019
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Faith:If you don't mind, I want to help you! Boris helped me to be how i am. he means sooo much to me. I want Help!
on May 16, 2019