How can I ease my shyness levels? Okay, I don't think anybody asked this but whatever. How can I ease my shyness levels? Got any tips on overcoming shyness? It's bad enough I can't talk in front of a group, now I want to sing an original song. ?
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Just pretend that your alone and no ones watching. Or feel the spirits around you, make friends. Boom ultimate friendship and encouragement. When I was afraid to sing in my competition I just focused on my goal and my back up was smiling and prtending to look at the crowd when really I was looking right past them.
Or you could ignore this comment and carry on with your life ?
Just pretend that your alone and no ones watching. Or feel the spirits around you, make friends. Boom ultimate friendship and encouragement. When I was afraid to sing in my competition I just focused on my goal and my back up was smiling and prtending to look at the crowd when really I was looking right past them.
Or you could ignore this comment and carry on with your life ?
This really helps! Thanks.
on January 24, 2017
on January 24, 2017
on January 24, 2017
Take deep breaths and talk another shy person, become friends and them because you're both shy you will understand each other. So you might be able to trade tips?
on January 23, 2017
on January 23, 2017