nominate princess/prince/king/queen of kindnees x3 who is the most kind of qfeast {:3}
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aaww i wanna be princess of kindeness...

:D you might
on August 13, 2014
on August 13, 2014
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Queen: SapphireRose and ElleyD
King: IDK
princess: me:">
prince: idk
King: IDK
princess: me:">
prince: idk

SapphireRose is not nice -_- sorry but I'm not going to let her get picked. If you want more details PM me but put someone else up or just take her down and no this is not a ploy for just me to b ur pick. Trust me.

She told the truth eventually, even if she did lie for a long time. Give her a chance, forgive. But don't forget.
on August 18, 2014

That makes you very nice. X-( It may not match with your opinion, but if you want to be fair, you have to accept people's votes, whether you agree or not. Instead of picking and choosing, just be happy I nominated you, because I'm having second thoughts.
on August 13, 2014
on August 13, 2014
on August 13, 2014
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Defenenatly not meh! I'd more likely be imprisoned by 'em! :P
But I vote DazzlingMoonlight as princess. :3
But I vote DazzlingMoonlight as princess. :3
on August 13, 2014
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Queen ~ Tariyukimew
King ~ DragonLance
Princess ~ Number1Arianator
Prince ~ Uh I know like no guys that well xD
King ~ DragonLance
Princess ~ Number1Arianator
Prince ~ Uh I know like no guys that well xD
on August 13, 2014
I don't want to be anywhere near you when you self destruct...
Come on Elleyd...apparently there's no hope left here...
I saw the world statistics on my computer. They show all the people in the world dying and getting ill and everything. And they slightly amuse me. And people did it to me, so I will do it to them. And internet people don't feel like real people to me.
Now I am going to pretend that didn't make me laugh.
I choose myself, the girl with both consciences. -__-
I agree with my good side, the weeaboo with rainbow hair and the cupcake dress and too much lip gloss who is shy and laughs at everything.
But I also agree with my bad side, the con artist with the blue streak in her hair and the top hat and the See More blood red lipstick who is evil and wants to get revenge. . .
Getting revenge...doing things because they are done to you isn't the way to go...
An eye for an eye really isn't a great motto to live by, believe me...
A better one might be this, and I know you've probably heard it before...
"Do unto others what you would have done on yourself* See More
If you don't want to be bullied, then don't bully others...
You realize you're doing the same thing to people across the world...
The same thing that those kids in real life are doing to you...
Do you really want to be that kind of person?
Do you want to know that somewhere in the world, there could be a child that feels the same way you do?
Please Nonpareil...don't be that kind of person...
I am not bullying people, I just do what I do to get what I want.
I use the internet so that I can do this so that I feel better about myself when people are mean to me.
What I see is a little girl, the one DEEP inside you, crying, calling for help.
THAT is the person I am trying to reach...not the cold shell you wrapped yourself in.
Nonpareil...I'm not yelling at you, but you have to realize this is wrong...
You say you've been bullied, so why do you See More go around doing it to others then?
Believe it or not, internet bullying can be just as effective as real life bullying...
I had a friend in high school that was cyber bullied...she was a wreck...
Now, I ask you one more time, please change your ways, not for me, not for Elleyd...
For yourself. I am only trying to help...
Even when I tell my real life friends about my real self, they accept it.
I have been left alone eight times. I don't care anymore.
Why would I change my ways? I already have nothing.
I like who I am. I have no real reason to change. I'm not here to please you.
Nonpareil, do you believe that everyone that follows you is your friend?
Are you that naive? Followers don't necessarily = friends, just a quick heads up...
As for your real life friends, I pity them, I really do.
Your true colors will shine through one day, and when they notice your black heart... See More
You will be left alone, and then what do you have? Nothing.
It's not too late to change your ways, but continue down the path you're on...that's where it ends. Nothing.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Why anyone would throw their dignity and friends away to win a stupid poll is beyond me...
Like I said before, you only care about popularity...friends and decency come second....
Have fun living in your delusional world Nonpareil....soon you See More won't have any friends on here, or in real life....-_-
What do you mean I believe everything I see on the internet and TV? And it will give me power of nothing but the satisfaction of that I have taken over the voting.
I should really introduce you to one of my characters, Henry. You two have SOO much in common.
And answer me this, now that your true colors have shown.
What will this contest truly give you power of? A title...that is it.
You believe everything you read on the See More internet, or see on TV, don't you? How cute XD
Well, I did stoop that low, didn't I? And I don't CARE about winning, I just want a title so that I have power over all of Qfeast.