Would you watch the fanmade series 'Gravity Fell'? I'm going to make a fanmade parody series of 'Gravity Falls' called 'Gravity Fell'. It's going to basically be the same, but it's going to make fun of parts of the series that just didn't make sense, like how Stanley got away with impersonating his brother for 30 years straight even though the real Stanford clearly has six fingers. (Stanley=Stand, Dipper=Dopper, Mabel=Maple, Ford=Sord) So, I want to know if you would watch it. (So I know if it's worth making) (If this gets enough votes for me to do this, I'll hopefully start making it when I get my computer back) (I'M SO SORRY! I HAD TO UNPUBLISH THIS TO GET THIS OUT OF BECOMING PROFILE!)
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