You have a magical pen that can turn whatever you draw into life, what would you draw?
Answers (16)
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Anime characters
Book characters
Movie characters
Show characters
Video game characters
Book characters
Movie characters
Show characters
Video game characters
on April 22, 2016
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Book characters, Create someone I can love for life. Video game characters, Film characters, Genie
on April 26, 2016
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I would have a lot of foxes around my home if that happened with my sketch book....
How would one know if they are friendly or not?
Anime Characters...
Videogame Characters/Animals...
Movie characters...
How would one know if they are friendly or not?
Anime Characters...
Videogame Characters/Animals...
Movie characters...
on April 22, 2016
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i would turn myself into a gem and make the crystal and homeworld gems and be friends with them
on April 22, 2016