What's the difference between a nerd and a geek? I kinda had an idea, than i was told i was wrong. *___*   Anyway, what is the difference?

What's the difference between a nerd and a geek? I kinda had an idea, than i was told i was wrong. *___* Anyway, what is the difference?

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Idk but would I be considered a veidogame nerd or geek (I spend almost all my free time on games even while on here)
on February 04, 2015
About Author
Nerd: Smart, loves to read, clever, likes riddles, doesn't have that many friends.

Geek: Loves science and math, always on a computer, a whiz at programming or video gaming, has a small circle of friends who are fellow geeks.

I am a nerd and a geek.

on April 06, 2015
About Author