Is 'Alice' Good Or Bad? Me: Hey guys...yes yes I know what your probably thinkin' *pretends to be someone else* "Why are you askin' us if 'Alice' is good or bad if you don't like her?" *goes back to normal voice* well I just want to see what you think bc most people (example: Youtubers...i guess) think she is good even if she looks like 'Two Face' from 'Batman: The Dark Knight'. Bendy (far away): *hears my roast about 'Alice' being 'Two Face' and laughs* Me: heh...anyways I hope you guys enjoy...oh almost forgot...here are two hashtags...one is if you hate her and one if you like her... you can only choose ONE! If you hate her: #IHATEALICE If you like her: #ILIKEALICE
Answers (4)
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Oh she's a basic cherry girl, I don't like her, no

Bendy: Cherry girl? what's that...? Sorry if I make you triggered but i've never heard of a Cherry girl...

Oh, urh, don't worry about it haha..
on March 01, 2018
on February 28, 2018
on February 28, 2018
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Fatih:#IHATEALICE SHE IS THE REASON WHY I GOT THIS SCAR *uncovers her bang and shows scar*
on May 16, 2019