why do u think it is ok 2 b lbgt? i see a lot of ppl on here whu r gay (yuck) and i wonder why you think it is ok
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mm hello, gay (actually bi but..) Jehovah's Witness here.
some people love each other and it's not fair for them to just "not love" each other just because they're the same sex. i know that god says it's abomination but, it's just how we are. it's not like we just suddenly decided "Y'know what, i like puss puss/the dickie", we're just finding ourselves and who we love. doesn't jesus love everyone? why would we be made to be hated? it IS ok because, it's love. idk what else to See More say or how else to explain it, that's it. we're gay because we love people like straight people do, and that's ok.
some people love each other and it's not fair for them to just "not love" each other just because they're the same sex. i know that god says it's abomination but, it's just how we are. it's not like we just suddenly decided "Y'know what, i like puss puss/the dickie", we're just finding ourselves and who we love. doesn't jesus love everyone? why would we be made to be hated? it IS ok because, it's love. idk what else to See More say or how else to explain it, that's it. we're gay because we love people like straight people do, and that's ok.

god created man to be with woman and woman to be subservent to man

ok but then years passed and women started becoming independent and both men and women started noticing that some of them started liking each other. some girls liked girls and some boys liked boys. people thought it wasn't ok at first. they ridiculed them and threw harmful slurs at them. some even died because of people that were angry with them for loving people. See More soon, people slowly became more accepting and tolerate. gays were given rights and women embraced independence.
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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Because it is.
Why does it matter if some “God” created humans to be a non-homosexual creature?
We should be allowed to like the people we want, and plus, gay relationships can be r e a l l y cute.
Why does it matter if some “God” created humans to be a non-homosexual creature?
We should be allowed to like the people we want, and plus, gay relationships can be r e a l l y cute.

god says it is a abonimation and its not cute its gross
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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because who really cares where you like to stick your genitals?

please no cussing on my profile
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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if ur gay, u can legally eat ass and that's the only reason im lbgt

that is gross u should b ashamed

I did read it and highly disagree. Again, there is no right way to worship God other than follow the 10 commandments (technically 600 something but,, y’know, we got rid of most of them) but please respect others for their beliefs.
on October 24, 2018

If you believe in God and do everything you can to go to hevan that makes you Christian, there is no TRUE way to worship God though because everyone does it differently. It’s why Christians are separate from Jews, they worship differently. It’s why there’s different types of Christianity, there is NO right way to worship God. I can’t change your beliefs but See More try to respect others, unless they killed someone, or raped or something to that extreme. Loving someone isn’t a sin in my belief system, but please respect that and others who agree with my belief system.
on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

ok sweaty, it's ur bedtime anyways
goodnight and don't forget to pray before u go to sleep
goodnight and don't forget to pray before u go to sleep
on October 24, 2018

i am just doing what the lord thinks is right u guys r not even real christians
on October 24, 2018

Even though they put themselves before others and put their faith in God?
And if so, does that mean everyone will go to Hell for sinning?
And if so, does that mean everyone will go to Hell for sinning?
on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

So if someone is a very nice person, donates to charity, helps out communities regularly, an active church-goer, and is an extremely sweet person was LGBT+, would they go to Hell?
on October 24, 2018

Anna, according to John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
Therefore, being a follower of God means to accept everyone, regardless of religion or sexuality, or belief system.
Therefore, being a follower of God means to accept everyone, regardless of religion or sexuality, or belief system.
on October 24, 2018

before u wanna start teachin, practice what you're preachin, sweaty
before u wanna start teachin, practice what you're preachin, sweaty
on October 24, 2018

But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.
Collisions 3:8
Collisions 3:8
on October 24, 2018

just because i cursed doesn't mean gay people are bad, ya goof. straight people curse, so are they bad too?? lmfao
on October 24, 2018

please no cussing on my profile
and ur mean this just shows that the lbgt or whatever is bad people
and ur mean this just shows that the lbgt or whatever is bad people
on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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Because it’s a natural thing to happen, biologically we (humans) definitely are NOT the only creatures that have homosexual organisms.

but god created us 2 b special and all other animals r sinful

Yeah!! We’re just upgraded animals and that’s okay. We ARE animals, God just made us differently, so we have more insight on certain things than other animals.
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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Because. It's.okay.to.be.gay. period.
Same with Asexuals, Trans, Bisexuals, etc.
Gay people are like Straight people They are people we are all equal
Some people think that people their same sex is hot that's okay
Some people think Both Sexes are hot totally fine
Some people don't think either one are hot THATS OKAY!
And you can think it's gross but that's just like your opinion man See More
Also most have told me it wasn't their choice to be that way
Anyways being Gay is totally fine and you can keep your opinions to yourself....
Same with Asexuals, Trans, Bisexuals, etc.
Gay people are like Straight people They are people we are all equal
Some people think that people their same sex is hot that's okay
Some people think Both Sexes are hot totally fine
Some people don't think either one are hot THATS OKAY!
And you can think it's gross but that's just like your opinion man See More
Also most have told me it wasn't their choice to be that way
Anyways being Gay is totally fine and you can keep your opinions to yourself....
on September 25, 2019
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Wait... are you for real? Straight here but man people should be able to love who they want, period.
on September 06, 2019
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Honestly I don’t care what people wanna be as long as I’m not getting too involved into someone else’s love life, I’ve lean that getting involved into others lives is well...too much to deal with :)
P.s god ain’t real and neither is hell ;)
P.s god ain’t real and neither is hell ;)
on September 04, 2019
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Okay, theres a lot of reasons to disagree me and dont want ruin what could of been friendship but lets start.
It's completely okay to be LBGT+! I'm a trans boy and gay but I still have likeable qualities! I don't know about the whole god part? Sorry, I'm agnostic. But I'm sure that theres no rule agains it ^-^
It's completely okay to be LBGT+! I'm a trans boy and gay but I still have likeable qualities! I don't know about the whole god part? Sorry, I'm agnostic. But I'm sure that theres no rule agains it ^-^
on October 24, 2018
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I hope Sonicfan no longer feels this way about LGBT people and has opened her eyes a little. This is one of the biggest problems with religion, because it can be used as a way to hate on others. I'm personally not religious myself, but I feel that God and Jesus wouldn't discriminate against a person based on who they love or what gender they are. They are both for the idea of peace and harmony on Earth, and using the bible as a way to hate others is wrong. In fact, it seems like See More something Satan would decieve others into doing. Hating on people for being trans, gay, bi, lesbian, etc.
There is nothing wrong with being LGBT, and if you need the evidence just go ahead and look at everyone who is now supportive of LGBT rights. And this support is only going to become better as time continues, in the future we might not even need Gay Rights as society would have reached a point where they see this as natural and common. No longer will people have to fight. It's how the world progresses.
And please don't blame Sonicfan, it might have been her family that taught her to see LGBT people this way. They might be equally as hateful, they might be very strict and trick her into thinking that gay people go to Hell. I don't like the fear-mongering, because that is not the right way to make people follow Christ. Religion should be free of fear.
There are TONS of churches who are accepting of LGBT folk. TONS.
There is nothing wrong with being LGBT, and if you need the evidence just go ahead and look at everyone who is now supportive of LGBT rights. And this support is only going to become better as time continues, in the future we might not even need Gay Rights as society would have reached a point where they see this as natural and common. No longer will people have to fight. It's how the world progresses.
And please don't blame Sonicfan, it might have been her family that taught her to see LGBT people this way. They might be equally as hateful, they might be very strict and trick her into thinking that gay people go to Hell. I don't like the fear-mongering, because that is not the right way to make people follow Christ. Religion should be free of fear.
There are TONS of churches who are accepting of LGBT folk. TONS.
on September 06, 2019
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I usually just ignore it, it never bothers me at all but I could understand if your a strong Christian.
on October 25, 2018
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Because it's just attraction, and being attracted to someone is okay. It's natural. And if you want to bring up religion; where did god say that gays were gross? And if you can't provide a spot in the bible, are you just speaking for him? Also, if god didn't want people to be gay, he probably would've done something about it.

If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Leviticus 20:13

@sonicfanlover1313 honest to god, are you braindead? it's just as possible for a man to be raped as it is a woman. men aren't sex loving maniacs who jump at any chance, whether they give consent or not.
on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

on October 24, 2018

well, even so,,, he loves everyone, and wants his children to love everyone, too. so even if they're gay, lesbian, or whatnot. i've lost my train of thought for my argument so i'll just lay that there and go------
have a good night, and maybe try to be more open minded? lol
have a good night, and maybe try to be more open minded? lol
on October 24, 2018

For I, the Lord, do not change; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed."
on October 24, 2018

it was written by men, though, who could have very well been lying or whatnot. and, maybe god's perspective changed? ya never know lmao
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
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Look, honey, I'm Pansexual and Genderfluid. I love everyone for who they are. Because theyre being true to their heart and as long as they are happy, I'm okay with it. Also, my grandpa's a vicar, so don't go telling me that God says it isn't okay

pansecual and genderfluid not even real lol

BOI IF YOU DONT STFU IMA SLAP YOU @sonicfanlover1313
Because CLEARLY you didn't get the memo -_-
Both are very real
As well as Asexual, Non-bianry, Bisexual, Biromantic, Panromantic, etc so why don't you shut your tiny mind up thank you
Because CLEARLY you didn't get the memo -_-
Both are very real
As well as Asexual, Non-bianry, Bisexual, Biromantic, Panromantic, etc so why don't you shut your tiny mind up thank you
on January 22, 2020

Uh, yes there is. Pansexual is loving everyone, no matter their sexual orientation or gender and genderfluid is wanting to be female one day, male the other. The only thing that isn't real, is your world of perfection
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018
on October 24, 2018