What negative things do you think about yourself? Not including physical appearance, such as "I'm fat" or "I'm ugly", what negative thing do you think about yourself (possibly resulting from something someone said to you)?
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I'll never be nothing more than a boy-crazy goof-off.

on July 11, 2015
on July 09, 2015
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I am very strong (nor that that is a bad thing) I am basically the jock of my middle school. I am bullied to even though I am pretty popular. Some things I have been called was flat face (when I accidentally face planted), umm stone wall (people said I was to strong for a girl), and the foot (it's not a bad one, it's just I can kick really far, but who wants to be stuck with your nickname 'the foot'?
on July 04, 2015
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I'm so flat-chested, some girls at my school call me itty-bitty-titties :((
on July 01, 2015
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I'm ugly, I'm not skinny or fat but I'm not perfect. I have horrible hair and my nails are so ugly so I always paint them. I'm messed up in the brain and I don't deserve to live. True life.
on June 29, 2015
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I hate my hair, I hate my eyes, I don't think I'm pretty enough, I think I'm stupid because I can't even count time! I think I'm not good enough, I think I'll never get to college, I feel like I might grow up with no job and be money less, I think I'm not special in any way, I think I'm just too depressed all the time, I'm terrible.

I cant count time either. I have to stare at the clock for 10-15 seconds before figuring out what the time is. by the time im done it's the next minute! LOL
on July 09, 2015

I can't count time either and I'm about to be in 11th grade so don't feel bad
on June 29, 2015
on June 29, 2015
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I'm a perverted freak who has personality issues, commitment issues, and anger issues. I also let me anger and jealousy control me so I don't make friends easily.
I'm too shy and a try-hard.
I try too hard to fit in, I'm too loyal.
I do anything to hide my secrets no matter what. That IS a bad thing.
Like I said before, I have really bad personality issues.
I'm emotionally unstable and crack under the tiniest amount of pressure, I used to have severe depression. (I was diagnosed See More with it.)
I used to self harm using multiple methods.
I think badly about myself.
I'm a slut.
I'm a whore.
I'll never be good enough.
I'm disgusting.
I gossip and spread rumors.
I'm mean.
I'm a bitch.
I'm a jerk and I don't care.
I used to be super mean and bully everyone because it made me feel better about myself.
I'm too shy and a try-hard.
I try too hard to fit in, I'm too loyal.
I do anything to hide my secrets no matter what. That IS a bad thing.
Like I said before, I have really bad personality issues.
I'm emotionally unstable and crack under the tiniest amount of pressure, I used to have severe depression. (I was diagnosed See More with it.)
I used to self harm using multiple methods.
I think badly about myself.
I'm a slut.
I'm a whore.
I'll never be good enough.
I'm disgusting.
I gossip and spread rumors.
I'm mean.
I'm a bitch.
I'm a jerk and I don't care.
I used to be super mean and bully everyone because it made me feel better about myself.
on June 29, 2015
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I'm a perverted sociopath that will end up alone with no one caring what happens to me. Everything I touch/plan/think/do goes wrong and I'm the reason for the worlds issues e.g poverty
on June 29, 2015
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I'm stupid, ruin evertything, I'm the reason why nobody likes me and not them, I don't know how to do anything right, complain too much, falsely accuse people of being cruel because I can't handle the truth and take everything the wrong way, I'm too feminine so will never be able to be seen as who I want, am a pansy and crybaby, etc.
on June 29, 2015
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Weird, too short, loner, too shy, NOT NORMAL. why cant i be normal not just a pile of crap
on October 15, 2017
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Someone calling me trash at school, during class. Exact words are: " the only trash here is (my name)."
Like the push over shy girl I am, I didn't say anything, I felt numb. After school, while waiting for the bus, I thought in my head " at least I'm not a jerk like you."
Like the push over shy girl I am, I didn't say anything, I felt numb. After school, while waiting for the bus, I thought in my head " at least I'm not a jerk like you."
on January 24, 2017
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I'm annoying and nosy. I don't know how to SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! I repeat myself, over and over and over again. I cry when the wifi goes down and when the power goes out. I am very immature and I need to grow up and get a life!!!!
on January 24, 2017
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I'm a waste of food and resources.
I'm retarded and keep screwing things up.
I'm gross and a pain to look at.
I'm retarded and keep screwing things up.
I'm gross and a pain to look at.

I'm retarded too. Everyone gets good grades on their math tests and I'm over here with a 65! Whenever I try to help, I just SCREW UP!!!!
on February 20, 2017
on August 04, 2015
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I think about how the human race is going to destroy itself with it's stupidity.

Ahem...I meant negative things about *yourself*.

Oh, I see. :) Now I understand...I initially thought you were just being cynical ;)
on August 08, 2015

I know. I meant it's bad that I think that. Sorry, I realise that I didn't make that clear.
on July 15, 2015
on July 15, 2015
on July 11, 2015
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That I'm too annoying, shy, weak, over-emotional, and that I'll never be as good as anyone else.
on July 11, 2015
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No matter how strong I get, it seems I wont ever be strong enough. That makes me wonder, is life really worth it?
on July 10, 2015
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Maybe that I am bossy. Which I kind of am. But that`s just me. I`m a leader not a follower.
Maybe that I am bossy. Which I kind of am. But that`s just me. I`m a leader not a follower.
on July 10, 2015
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I'm negative.
I'm a bit of a killjoy.
I'm OCD. I hate it when my news feed, notifications, and/or page is cluttered. just looking at my page is giving me OCD! another reason y I hate online RPing.
I'm tense.
I'm so over-anxious. I see a cloudy sky I freak out that it's gonna rain. I'm a bit angsty. I've got anger issues. I cant stand people. Especially not happy people. idk y. I am a recluse.
I always feel like crying even when im happy. im pretty but I don't feel pretty... See More even though my sister insists I am. she says the boys will be swarming me at university. eh. I have a heard time believing that. I'm too shy so ppl ignore me.
I am mean to people. some ppl even here don't like me.
I like to rp with myself the most.
I freak out too much.
I hide my feelings within myself too much.
I'm constantly feeling guilty about past things...even though the ♫ past is in the past ♫
I'm a bit of a killjoy.
I'm OCD. I hate it when my news feed, notifications, and/or page is cluttered. just looking at my page is giving me OCD! another reason y I hate online RPing.
I'm tense.
I'm so over-anxious. I see a cloudy sky I freak out that it's gonna rain. I'm a bit angsty. I've got anger issues. I cant stand people. Especially not happy people. idk y. I am a recluse.
I always feel like crying even when im happy. im pretty but I don't feel pretty... See More even though my sister insists I am. she says the boys will be swarming me at university. eh. I have a heard time believing that. I'm too shy so ppl ignore me.
I am mean to people. some ppl even here don't like me.
I like to rp with myself the most.
I freak out too much.
I hide my feelings within myself too much.
I'm constantly feeling guilty about past things...even though the ♫ past is in the past ♫
on July 09, 2015
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I'm too fat. I'm paranoid. I'm repetitive. I'm clingy. I'm too hard on myself. No boy will ever love me. I'm too wrapped up in trying to succeed. I'm ugly. I'm dirty. I'm over-baring. I'm short-tempered. I'll never get anything done in life. I'll never be as good as anyone who did something in the past.
on July 01, 2015
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I believe that anything bad that goes wrong around me is my fault. I believe everything bad that people say about me. Mother calls me a bitch so I feel like a failure all of the time. I feel like I deserve all of my sadness and more. I'm depressed most of the time but am so good at hiding it that people believe I'm happy so I go on pretending that I'm happy. I pretend that am happy so that no one else has to feel the same way
on June 29, 2015