What do you do with your notifications? Do you delete them all after you get them or keep them? I personally delete them which I find easier to manage but I wanted to know if I was just weird or if other people deleted theirs.
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I keep them all because...
1. I find it fun to go back an look at what were said to me once.
2. Sometimes I need to go back to see what I did. It's easier than having to go back to where I was (especially if I don't remember).
3. I don't know. I never take the time to delete them.
1. I find it fun to go back an look at what were said to me once.
2. Sometimes I need to go back to see what I did. It's easier than having to go back to where I was (especially if I don't remember).
3. I don't know. I never take the time to delete them.

True, true
on October 31, 2014
on October 31, 2014
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I didnt know u could, but i just did

You deleted all of them? Nice! Join the dark side :p

on November 04, 2014
on November 04, 2014
on November 04, 2014
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I delete them most of the time. I keep time and once I get too many, I clean it out.
on November 02, 2014
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I keep them unless some troll is spamming me with crap and hate, then I delete.
on October 31, 2014
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I keep them all...
1) I just don't have the time to go through them and delete them
2) Im afraid I'll delete something important if I "delete all".
3) I just don't care xD I DOESNT feel hard to manage.
1) I just don't have the time to go through them and delete them
2) Im afraid I'll delete something important if I "delete all".
3) I just don't care xD I DOESNT feel hard to manage.
on October 31, 2014
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I keep them...I don't like to delete them because sometimes it just brings back some of my memories on what I did or say(because I'm typically the type to forget things easily...:( )

Oh that's too bad

on November 05, 2014

These are some part of my memories(my posts)~http://www.qfeast.com/page/H688z7/Qfeaster-Stories
on November 05, 2014

on November 04, 2014

I'm just like you, @RedRibbonedGirl. I forget most thing that happened in my life. Mainly good memories. But I don't feel incomplete.
on November 04, 2014

Yah it sucks...I even forgot most of my elementary school life(and I mean MOST of my elementary school life...)
on October 31, 2014
on October 31, 2014
on October 31, 2014
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I don't bother. Sometimes I'll delete them all, but I don't do one by one - wayyyy out of my level of organization
on October 31, 2014
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I keep them but i delete the nontifications that saids i havent posted a picture in pages
on October 30, 2014