What is a jock? So there's heaps of quizzes and stuff about being a jock, one of the many high school stereotypes...but what exactly is a jock: what is their personality, what characteristics define a jock?
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A jock is slang for a guy who is popular ad very Athletic, in America they usually play football (American ) or Lacrosse, or basketball
More often than not they are all friends and do stupid things or dare each other to do stupid things and are "popular" some are nice people just obnoxious because they don't self-regulate and try to get a lot of attention
A girl jock is simply a girl who likes sports, they are friends but their much different from the boys
More often than not they are all friends and do stupid things or dare each other to do stupid things and are "popular" some are nice people just obnoxious because they don't self-regulate and try to get a lot of attention
A girl jock is simply a girl who likes sports, they are friends but their much different from the boys
on September 11, 2014
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This is Urbano Dictionary so take it as a grain of salt but it'll give you a general idea :3
This is Urbano Dictionary so take it as a grain of salt but it'll give you a general idea :3
So how would you describe a person you know that you call a jock?
The quizzes by DarkAngel1204 and Singer4eva both said I was jock...but its cool I just wondered about what people believe the stereotype jock actually means :)
on September 11, 2014
on September 11, 2014
on September 11, 2014
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a jock is a sports person, usually a male and sports is their life
on September 11, 2014