whts your opinion on god

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i don’t believe in not like him. religious trauma is real.
on May 07, 2022
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Not entirely sure
on May 11, 2022
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I dont believe in god even tho my parents make me go to church
on May 09, 2022
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maybe hes real, maybe hes not, idk and wont argue about it
i think religion is somewhat cult like in general but i wont bash anyone for their religion (unless they r mormon cause who would wanna be mormon fr)
on May 09, 2022
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i personally think the concept of god is bullshit, especially the judeo-christian version ekekkek
i don't think god or the supernatural exists so shrug
on May 09, 2022
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personally, i dont't believe christianity is real anymore. Mainly, that's just due to so many christians being super abusive with the religion. for example, my own grandma. My boyfriend at the time was black (he still is obviously, he just isn't my boyfriend anymore he's my husband now) and she was super against it because "the bible says that it's a sin to date or be with anyone outside of your own skin color", despite the fact theres only 2 instances that the bible makes anything See More
on May 09, 2022
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I believe in Him and I am religious. I reached a rough point in my life a little over a year ago where I was constantly worried and I found a lot of comfort in my religion, ultimately helped me get through it. I understand why people may not believe, and that's okay. My personal experiences in my life have led me to my beliefs and I am very happy where I am.
on May 07, 2022
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I dunno, I believe there's a god but that's about it
on May 07, 2022
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