should america be scared of ebola hi im jayswaggs used to be jrj12 but my account was deleted cause of i didn't confirm my email. but this ebola virus hit west africa and killed over 4000 people and now it hit dallas, i mean its gonna spread all over america and i dont want it to hit indianapolis where i live. should a 11 year old boy like me be scared or should i be calm.
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OH MY GOD OK I AM CLEARING THIS UP RIGHT NOW: The Ebola virus is primarily in West Africa so if you are anywhere else it is unlikely you will get it. Any other cases are immediately quarantined and shut down. There is a possible cure coming out currently or at least close to one. Everyone is working on it so there is nothing to fear. Plus, new outbreaks happen everyday wiping out just as many if not more people than this so why publicity has claimed this one, I don't know. In See More short, STOP WORRYING. WE WILL SURVIVE. Chill, ok :) If you have more questions, ASK ME.


on October 17, 2014

on October 17, 2014

on October 17, 2014

@Elleyd yeah but your like OH MY GOD OK
on October 17, 2014

on October 17, 2014
on October 16, 2014
on October 16, 2014
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One person in America died of Ebola. More people die of accidental trips and falls. Since people have been keeping it under control (or trying to) I think you might be safe.
on October 20, 2014
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It has been stopped before, the only problem was that it was in less stable modern countries, America should be able to control it
on October 16, 2014
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Nah! The actual host for ebola is an animal, not humans. But humans get it from animals. There have been times in the past with the SAME situation. The problem is, it doesn't work to well on humans because it kills us too quickly, before we have a chance to pass it on. It will be a problem in some of the less civilized, clean, and developing countries. But China, Canada, US, Britian, and all the big, clean countries, will get it under control. Plus, very few people get it, even See More in Liberia and Africa. Only like 1/5 of the population. There are too many people in this world for ebola to kill us all. So don't worry, humanity won't go extinct. ;)

Oh yeah, and it also only spreads through bodily fluids, such as saliva, blood, etc. etc.

Actually, you're both right and wrong. The cities are very well developed and advanced in tech and science, medicine and quite rich. The rural areas are poor, and still farmers. They are almost a stage behind the cities, still traditional and relying on the land. You can't really put a label on China as it is a wide, varied country.
Overpopulated places are often See More unsanitary. Wayyy too many people in that tiny space, limited toilets.
Overpopulated places are often See More unsanitary. Wayyy too many people in that tiny space, limited toilets.
on October 16, 2014

@JeweledOwl812 Actually China is pretty clean. It'sfully developed. It may be polluted, but its clean. If it wasn't sanitary, I doubt it would be so overpopulated.
on October 16, 2014
on October 16, 2014
on October 16, 2014
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I would be more scared of the flu than ebola. As @Elleyd said, they are coming out with a cure, or close to one. Also, everyone in the US that has it has been sent to a facility THAT IS NOT OPENED TO THE PUBLIC to stay at. Also, you can't get ebola without coming into contact with their fluids. So, for example Bob has ebola, and I touch him, I won't get it, but if he were to sneeze on me, then I'd get it.
on October 16, 2014
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The Ebola, viris is not one to be scared off, if you are not in west Africa. It is unlikely to spread anywhere else. You are just to young to be afraid of a life threatening virus, so please don't be afraid, you have nothing to be afraid of
on September 02, 2016
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No. If america was afraid of ebola, we would stop sending help to the people that need it. So it is best to keep your hopes up that a cure will be found and the world will be saved :)
on January 18, 2015
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Yes, Emory University has treated them and they ALL lived. Other hospitals let the patients die... People who aren't in Atlanta, GA should freak the fuuck out!
on November 22, 2014
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I live in Australia where we don't have it so I don't know much, but I think u have nothing to worry about :). A survey in Africa said that Ebola is in the 10th most deaths in Africa and it was nothing compared to all the other diseases Africa has. And there a way more murders happening recently in America than deaths from Ebola. i also think I've heard only 1 person has died from it in America. Hope this helped ;)
on November 12, 2014
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I wouldn't worry about it. thankfully i am in r.i so but you should take caution
on November 08, 2014
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Yes along with the new virus killing young children, the entrovirus. America needs to start taking better precautions now. Instead, people are not doing to correct ways on how to respond to these viruses and only making it worse. I hope everyone is ok and the CDC (Center of Disease Control) will stop this from spreading worse.
on October 17, 2014
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No. You'll be fine. America is a fairly advanced and rich country, you will either not get it in the first place or be treated immediately and likely survive.

There is no vaccine for Ebola. Sorry to be morbid, but if you get Ebola, you are dead. Like the others here who have died from it.

on October 17, 2014

@DarkAngel1204 that is false. There is no vaccine, but it's like a flu, it passes if you're treated correctly and welly. Some people have died in africa beause they don't have the technology that we have here.
on October 17, 2014
on October 17, 2014
on October 16, 2014
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YES! IT CAN KILL YOU IN HALF A FREAKING MINUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on November 22, 2014