Do you think girls should wear makeup to look prettier?
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It can be cool to mess with :) but you shouldn't wear it just to feel worth something, cos you're beautiful without it :) and anyone who says otherwise has vision problems
on July 01, 2014
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No. I only wear it on special events, sometimes on school days, but that's just for fun.
on July 01, 2014
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Well it's her choice, if she likes it sure why not?
But I think that ALL girls don't need make-up to look beautiful.
But I think that ALL girls don't need make-up to look beautiful.
on July 01, 2014
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Yeah, putting makeup on is not just to look pretty, you can experiment with the way you look. It's fun to see how different you look.
on December 03, 2015
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Well if there's something that really bothers us but I think we should keep 2 our natural beauty and don't cover ourselves in tons of makeup because it doesn't look nice, but a little lip gloss and eye shadow or something like that looks fine and still shows a bit of ur natural beauty
on August 14, 2015
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Some girls look better with makeup and some look worse. Also it depends if they are good at applying it or not. I think it's up to the girl to decide if she wants to wear makeup or not. It has nothing to do with beauty.
on August 04, 2015
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yes, just don't make your self look like someone else or cake your face with it all the time
on July 04, 2015
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It's good for self-confidence. But if you wear it to be popular, that's kinda stupid because I can guarantee, the people who are the shallow-headed, makeup-wearing morons in your class that have had a string of meaningless relationships with 'all the boys in your class' will also be the ones flipping burgers at McDonalds's in 15 years.
on October 02, 2014
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Really , most people don't mind. Just don't put too much and your face will stand out in a good way.
on August 27, 2014
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It really depends on the situation you're in. If at a fancy dinner or party or blah blah blah then make up is fine [and i don't mean like TONS AND TONS of makeup just the normal full makeup for a special event]. If at school or just going around hanging with friends then a little to accent or hide [I have terrible acne so I wear foundation every day but that's because if I didn't I wouldn't feel confident and I wouldn't be able to be outgoing]. It really all depends on what's See More appropriate.
on July 01, 2014
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They should wear whatever they are comfortable in, whether it's all natural or made up, as long as they are happy with it, everything is good.
on July 01, 2014
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I just wear it cause 1 it takes a lot of work and I need to practice and 2 cause I want to and if you want wear it if you don't that's fine
on July 01, 2014
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No not really. Maybe some small things for flair, but if you put too much on, it looks like you're going to be a clown. So no, not really.
on July 01, 2014