How Do You Upload A Photo? Guys please! I need help! I don't know how to upload photos! ? Please help me!
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Right next to the "Write Posts" button on your wall should be an "Upload Photos" button. Click on that, and you'll be able to browse your computer/desktop/etc for photos, which you select, and then choose "Upload."
on March 30, 2016
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There should be a tab on your main page labeled [Upload Photos] if your on PC....if you don't have the photo you want saved to your PC....then you'll have to go to the same tab on your phone....but from there you can use the camera if you so chose. I hope this helped, and reply if you need anything else!
on March 29, 2016
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Omg NOOOOOOBBBB stop being so stupid

...noob means your new to MINECRAT LOL
on October 13, 2016

please do not post rude comments. ive already been called a noob several times on this game so it doesnt bother me.
on March 30, 2016
on March 29, 2016