Help, I need some friendship advice! Okay, so I have this friend who can be AWESOME, but at other times she's just really mean. It's like there's two different sides to her! When she's nice, she's super cool and we get along well, but she can be mean and it just makes me feel bad. She just insults me. :( I honestly want to be her friend, but when the mean side of her comes out it really makes me question our friendship. Sometimes we'll get along great and we have tons of private jokes and she's awesome, but other times she just thinks I'm weird. Is there anything I could do or say to make things better? I just need help, and I want her to be a better friend. She's really a great person, what can I do to help our friendship?
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Tell her how you feel and ask if there is anything troubling her and try to solve the problem with kindness and understanding. I'm sure everything will be all right :D
on June 28, 2014
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It depends, if she has temper issues and gets mad about random stupid stuff, that ISN'T the best friend to be around. If she has little patience and that type of stuff, I recommend you end the friendship IMMEDIATELY.
on June 28, 2014
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Try talking to her. Maybe she's going through things at home. Maybe your parents can give you some advice. That works out for me.:)

Thanks. It's just, my other friends have noticed it too. She is really braggy, and when one of us (My other friend and I) confronted her, she played the victim card. She argues with me over the stupidest things sometimes. It kills me to say this, but I'm almost glad we are going to different schools next year so I won't have to see her so often.

Yeah, I had friendship issues that I had to overcome myself so I'm not going to be a hyprocrite.;)
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
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Does she know how you feel? Maybe try talking to her about it when she's in the 'great friend' mode. You could establish like a code word or something for you to say when you feel she's being mean. Hope you work it out.
on June 28, 2014
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i am in d same situation but wat i do is try as in tell her if she is taking it 2 far n if shes 2222222222 mean hope i helped
on July 03, 2014
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I'm sure she's a wondiferous friend and kind, but if someone makes you feel insecure about your personality or in some cases your more physical form I think its absolutely terrible. I just have one simple question. What is she like most of the time? if she's usually nice hang around her, just like you do presently but if she's more insulting in time I'd leave her, it's unfair. You shouldn't be going around someone that makes you feel bad about yourself, stand up for yourself hun. See More Don't let her drag you down.

Most of the time she is like a mix. Sometimes she is all awesome and funny, and then it's like POOF that side is gone and she is all "Oh, that is so lame."

Aw, that's a shame. This specific topic has never happened to me so I'm not the most reliable person in this conversation. Sorry!
on July 03, 2014
on June 29, 2014
on June 29, 2014
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Keep on hanging out with her. Tell her how you feel. Maybe there's a reason behind the way she's acting, like her pet has died or something. Or maybe she doesn't even realize how she's acting. But if she doesn't care, or doesn't change, END. YOUR. FRIENDSHIP. There are other people in the world who are cool and awesome. A friend who make you feel bad about yourself isn't a real one. You deserve someone who sticks by you, makes you happy, and treats you right ALL THE TIME. Hope See More that helps! :)

Thanks for the help @JeweledOwl812, I've tried talking to her in the past, but she just ignores and insults me. I have other friends, but I'm really close with this girl. I will try to use your advice!
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014
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Hmm... Well, I've never been in a situation like this, so I really don't know. But I have an idea. Try asking her what's going on. Tell her that you don't understand what's going on, and it's like she has two different sides. Tell her that you do want to be her friend, because at times she's an awesome person. But others she acts like you're just a weirdo.
Don't take my advice for granted, I don't actually know if it'll work. Don't trust me when advice like this comes. I'm not See More even sure if this will help in any way possible. But I tried. If it does work, then maybe I should start trusting myself more...
Don't take my advice for granted, I don't actually know if it'll work. Don't trust me when advice like this comes. I'm not See More even sure if this will help in any way possible. But I tried. If it does work, then maybe I should start trusting myself more...

Thanks, it's just that my friend and I took her in, and we were her first friends when she moved to our school. The moodiness didn't start until this year and she just fights with me about the stupidest things. I am pretty much ready to break off our friendship.
on June 28, 2014
on June 28, 2014