What is the Funniest Thing You've Ever Done? Some of us like to play around a little. Tell me, what's the funniest thing you've ever done?
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I somehow managed to get into the drying machine. It was above the washer... my mom had to get me out. I was 3 or 4 yrs.
on June 23, 2016
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i asked my brother if he wanteda sandwich and he said yes so i made the sandwich but marmite or vegimite in it and he was like what did uputinthis?
on July 09, 2015
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This was sorta funny. I was playing a soccer game and The ball had bounced off the goalie so I ran up to get the ball and I accidentally kneed the goalie in the face.

Lol. That must have hurt!:)

Ya It hurt him more than me
My team plays in the boys division because we were creaming girl 3 years older than us
My team plays in the boys division because we were creaming girl 3 years older than us
on July 07, 2015
on July 07, 2015
on July 07, 2015