Hey guys my B-Day is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

mine is the day sback (very hard tests that we're expected to fail) testing starts :(
on April 20, 2016
on April 20, 2016

Ticci Toby
on April 19, 2016

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was WolfLoverWithaheart
on February 21, 2016

on February 21, 2016

Hey Guys! So on SUnday 2/21/16 I will be on a flight to Orlando Florida. i will be missing 5 days of school :) Yay! I will be posting TONS of pics :)
Tell me your story of when you went to Orlando. I will be going to DISNEY WORLD! im so excited! See you guys!
Tell me your story of when you went to Orlando. I will be going to DISNEY WORLD! im so excited! See you guys!

lol that's were you were this week. I haven't been anywhere except Utah and California, a went to Wyoming for about 3 days too
on February 27, 2016
on February 21, 2016

on February 20, 2016

:( so sad. The dogs didnt do anything wrong. What is wrong with people!? Some day, dogs will build robots bigger than humans and the robots will whip humans!!! Except the ones that are nice to dogs, since you know dogs can sniff feelings.
on February 27, 2016

on February 27, 2016

i dont know. After i saw that i was also terrified for my dog so i brought him inside wit meh
on February 20, 2016
I read the description. WHY WOULD THAT MAN BEAT THE DOG TO DEATH!!!!??? :((:((:((:((:((:((:((
on February 20, 2016
on February 20, 2016

My gofundme will be posted EARLY!!!
on February 20, 2016