Stop The Abuse!
Stop the abuse on the helpless animals. I will start up a GoFundMe page and donate to my local NO KILL shelter when I hit 30 subscribers to this page.
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Omg..! I just love animals..! I don't want animals to be hurt..! They have to stop animal cruelty.! Just stop it.!
on January 21, 2017

Animals are living things, like us. No one deserves to be abused. We all deserve a good life. Not a life where every morning you wake up to a punch in the face. Or a kick at your legs. Or a broken paw.
on January 20, 2017

on January 20, 2017
My dad may or may not abuse Quinn... ;-;
on February 20, 2016
:( so sad. The dogs didnt do anything wrong. What is wrong with people!? Some day, dogs will build robots bigger than humans and the robots will whip humans!!! Except the ones that are nice to dogs, since you know dogs can sniff feelings.
on February 27, 2016

on February 27, 2016

i dont know. After i saw that i was also terrified for my dog so i brought him inside wit meh
on February 20, 2016
I read the description. WHY WOULD THAT MAN BEAT THE DOG TO DEATH!!!!??? :((:((:((:((:((:((:((
on February 20, 2016
on February 20, 2016

My gofundme will be posted EARLY!!!
on February 20, 2016
It KILLS me to know that people do horrible things to animals. I hope you reach 30 subscribers!
on February 20, 2016

Don't hurt them what did they do to you
Disney animals gone bad the petition against animal cruelty Draw or copy images and post them here that stand against animal cruelty.
on February 20, 2016

I'm really happy at how quickly people are responding to this page. I think we will make it. when the GoFundMe page goes up i will post a link in the members chat and you guys (Who are members) can spread the word around further. I will also post it here.
on February 20, 2016

I wish we could just stop the abuse all over the's not right to tge poor animals who did absolutely nothing do be treated like that..
on February 20, 2016

I like that this page actually has a goal. That it's contributing.
on February 20, 2016

on February 20, 2016