Will anyone of you be my boyfriend I'm 11 if you want to get to know me say you like me and I'll tell you where you can text me ?
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uh i can’t control you but please be careful. being young and getting into dating isn’t exactly a good idea. especially on here. i would wait til your a bit older
I'm talking to my guidence counsler @seoulmates
well, if she's got any sense, I'm sure she'll tell you dating at 11 is a terrible idea.
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
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you're way too young to have a boyfriend
wait until highschool, right now you need to focus on school. trust me.
wait until highschool, right now you need to focus on school. trust me.
Okay but I really think this is a good decition
no its not. you don't need a boyfriend at 11 years old and there are lots of people who could come on this site saying they're your age, and they aren't, just to take advantage if you.
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
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You must have some pretty low standards if you'll date anyone on the Internet who is willing.
on December 25, 2017
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You're still quite little, I suggest waiting until highschool/after highschool, as everyone else is saying. Education is more important, and girls/boys will distract you from that, especially at a young age. Anyways, a lot of creepy people are on the internet, so don't go looking here :/
on December 31, 2017
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Okay @seoulmates thanks but how do you know?
because I've been on the internet before. there are lots of pedos and catfishers online who look for lil girls. its not uncommon.
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017
on December 25, 2017