what do you think happened to Malaysia flight 370? No arguing about this please. I just want to know what you think happened to the fight that disappeared over a year ago and do you think it will be found?
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The pilots said to each other “let’s create a mystery and crash this plane” and so they did crazy things and crashed it.
The navigation system broke down and made the aircraft go somewhere to the Indian Ocean
Bermuda Triangle is not possible because it is in the West. The plane came from the east.
The navigation system broke down and made the aircraft go somewhere to the Indian Ocean
Bermuda Triangle is not possible because it is in the West. The plane came from the east.
on March 05, 2018
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Bermuda is a real place.
Yeah. So is the Bermuda Triangle.
on June 16, 2015
The only people who know what happened on that plane are the passengers. And possibly some high level Secret Service members. (Sorry, had to say that.)
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015
I know that this sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory (I've read too many spy books), but I think that the pilots and the two people with fake passports took over the plane in order to interrogate/kidnap the weapon designers.
on June 16, 2015
My question now is... Where would it be if it was hijacked? probably in the ocean but maybe it is in another country.
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015
I heard about that. two people went with fake passports. I think it could have been hijacked. one thing that confuses me is how did they lose the signal on the plane. everything just stopped. it's weird.
on June 16, 2015
I don't know. I do know that there was an Italian man who snuck on board, several weapon designers, and someone else with fake passports on board. I also know that there were no signs of wreckage found anywhere, despite the huge search.
on June 16, 2015
I know. My question really is how do you think they disappeared? What happened in the plane?
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015
on June 16, 2015