bluebear0914's Polls
bluebear0914 published 20 polls

Who do you think should win the presidential race?

The Beatles VS One Direction (1)

Harry Potter? or Twilight?

Katniss or Tris? (1)

Are you going to see Mockingjay part 2?

Would you rather...(Disney)

Would you rather... (Disney) (1)

Would you rather... (Disney)

Would you rather? (Disney)

Who do you think should win the presidency between these two running and why?

Is this dog cute?

Which is your favorite Disney princess? (1)

This might be weird but, Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

What is your favorite frozen song?

Should Hillary Clinton run for presidency?

Do you like Robin Williams?

Which is your favorite Jon Cozart parody?

Are you from a different country than the US? If so from where?

Which of these is your favorite Cinderella story?