Why are most girls obsessed with their looks? As a boy this is my personal perception... I wonder why is so important to you, girls - The best friend of most girls is definitely the mirror - Lots of selfies - Girls put their face as wallpapers on phones, desktops, tablet and stare minutes looking to the image - Many "how do I look" , bla bla. Girls ask their mom, brothers, sisters, friends such questions and more similars - Probably most of the time taking care about weight, look, dresses Please explain me this
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Why are men obsessed with sports? See how sexist and stereotypical that sound. Go on.

I don’t think it’s stereotypical because a lot of girls ARE obsessed with their look looks. And I think it’s becuase there is a lot of pressure on us to be happy all the time and have perfect relationships and perfect friends and a perfect life. It gets so drilled into our brains from the time we are born that we can’t help it. I mean take tv: all the actresses See More are basically models. And then the girls who are maybe a little bit (physically) prettier than others have to flaunt it to cover their own insecurities which doesn’t even work. My point? The life of a girl is hard. Go easy on her
on May 27, 2018
on February 22, 2016
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Many girls get their perception of attractive from today's media like movies and magazines. They see what girls look like there and want to be like them. I think it's fine to want to look good, but the amount of makeup and such doesn't always help with that.
on May 05, 2015
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For number 1- I hate seeing what's in the mirror
For number 2- I have never taken a selfie in my life
For number 3- I would never put myself on my homescreen or anything else
For number 4- I don't alsk that
For number 5- I don't give two shits about my appearance
Honestly, how sexist and stereotypal can you get, I don't know a single girl that is like that. So dude, not all girls are in love with themselves, in fact most of them have issues with themselves. M'kay
For number 2- I have never taken a selfie in my life
For number 3- I would never put myself on my homescreen or anything else
For number 4- I don't alsk that
For number 5- I don't give two shits about my appearance
Honestly, how sexist and stereotypal can you get, I don't know a single girl that is like that. So dude, not all girls are in love with themselves, in fact most of them have issues with themselves. M'kay
on March 22, 2016
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Well, I don't know. But my wallpaper of my phone is a cyclops, I don't look in the mirror a lot, my selfies are often me being weird, and then I delete them, I don't like dresses, I don't care about weight, and I hardly ever ask how I look. So. :3
on December 29, 2017
on May 05, 2015
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I’m not really obsessed with that stuff but I’d say because most of us girls want to impress guys (puke) and so they try their best to look cute,hot, etc. i honestly dont care about that stuff tho so im not really sure im more obsessed with sports
on October 22, 2020
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So maybe you could be a little less “this is wierd” about it bc it really is hard being a girl. We’re constantly bombarded with what we’re “supposed” to look like. And then we’ve got guys who like the “hot” girls and make the rest of us feel inferior. Also I am a girl and yeah, I like to look in the mirror when I’m having a good hair day, but so do guys! All the rest of that stuff I don’t do. They are probably asking you becuase they don’t feel beautiful and they want someone See More who cares enough to tell them they are, even if they don’t believe it. So go easy on us okay?
on May 27, 2018
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Alright, ignoring how this can be seen as offensive, I know what you mean.
How I’ve seen it is it’s because female teenagers are usually self conscious about looks and their body, so making themselves look good to everyone else and reciving such high approval makes them extremely happy. (This might be totally wrong but this is just what I’ve seen and had to expirence)
How I’ve seen it is it’s because female teenagers are usually self conscious about looks and their body, so making themselves look good to everyone else and reciving such high approval makes them extremely happy. (This might be totally wrong but this is just what I’ve seen and had to expirence)
on January 05, 2018
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I'm not like that, yet some girls are. People can do (nearly) whatever they want. A person can act one way another person can act another way. These type of girls might be low on self esteem or just full of themselves. Personally I hate dresses and makeup, my background on my phone is a wolf, and I tend to not care how I look. That how I act, but for a friend of mine. They act like they you said (minus for the background thing) and I'm okay with that. The world is different it See More just depends on what type of group you want to be in and how you see everyone. Hear me out though.. not all girls are like that.
on January 05, 2018
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Um that's kinda sexist…?
And not all girls are obsesssed with their looks. None of the people I know are. :/
And not all girls are obsesssed with their looks. None of the people I know are. :/
on January 04, 2018
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first of all plzz dont ask this doubt in real life coz it is a stereotype>:).u are saying ALL the girls do the same and even if they are :)doing it they want to be the best! i have another doubt for u does ut mother ask "how do i look?" to u? if she does she wants u to be proud of her
on April 27, 2017
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First since when have I looked in a mirrior that's just something we have to look at everyday when were in the bath room. I don't even take selfies nore do most of my girl friends. I don't take pictures of myself. We ask how we look because people judge us if we look bad.I don't care about any of that stuff its just the world making one big steryotrype of girls that you may or may not of joined since that is not how most girls act.
on February 22, 2016
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Well i'm a tomboy thats a big difference of a girly girl im not this type of girl so idk why girls do it...
on June 11, 2015
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well im not li!e that im a tomboy and i hatedresses and dont ask how i look and i hate taking selfies. oh and i have simple messy Hobbit hair
on May 26, 2015
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"Girls put their face as wallpapers on phones, desktops, tablet and stare minutes looking to the image"
That's not specifically a female trait, that's just plain conceit.
That's not specifically a female trait, that's just plain conceit.
on May 07, 2015
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Girls take into account physical appearance more probably because it's pressed on them by society. But most girls do genuinely enjoy makeup, shopping, etc.
Boys are also affected by this. There are probably many boys that love makeup, shopping, and dresses, but can't openly express that because it's frowned upon by society.
Boys are also affected by this. There are probably many boys that love makeup, shopping, and dresses, but can't openly express that because it's frowned upon by society.
on May 05, 2015
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Not all girls are like that. (Thank goodness) Many girls are bombarded from an early age with stuff that claims to define beauty. A lot of it is absolute rubbish, but it results in many girls believing that to be successful, you have to be pretty. Which is also absolute rubbish.
on May 05, 2015
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Because boys don't like ugly girls that's why they are. And when they see more attractive girls the boys get all over them or everyone says how pretty the other girls are so they get jealous. It's jealously mostly so they try to look like a Disney princess.
on May 05, 2015
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They want to look good for the guys. They like to look pretty. Also they want to get a boy to ask them out on a date.
on April 18, 2016
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Girls want to look best, it feels like guys only want Skinny,pretty and tall girls, it doesn't seem like they give a damn about personality to me :/
on February 22, 2016