Should the whole class be invited to a classmates bday party? Ever year for my cousind bday party, my aunt prepares so hard for it, its been going on for 3 years. She told me she has to work so hard because it is required to invite the whole class to the bday party, i mean, thats ridiculos. 7 year olds can and should understand that they cant get invited to every party. plus, parents have to work extra hard and pay more money just so all 20,30 kids can come. I couldn't enjoy my cousins bday cuz of this. SO, isnt this ridicuulios? Tell me in the comments.
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The whole class shouldn't be invited. Kids need to learn that life is full of disappointment and that they aren't going to be included in everything. And having 20+ kids to supervise can be quite frustrating and hectic. The birthday child should be the one choosing who gets to attend. Birthday parties should be limited to close friends and family.
on April 07, 2017
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No,why waste money on invitations,when barely anyone but your friends are going to go.
on June 18, 2016
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It is ridiculous, because eventually when they get older they won't understand why they didn't get invited after so many years.
on January 13, 2016