Help me choose between these two guys please!! i'm so confused!! I think i'm in love with my new boyfriend, but my best friend (who is also a guy) told me he likes me too, i do sorta have feelings for him, and he talks to me everyday, but i've also been in love with my boyfriend and he only finally just asked me out, but he also doesn't see me as much, i would like to and i'm pretty sure he'd like to too, i'm so confused can anyone help me!!!
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when i can't choose between something i say them see how i feel about it the other night i didnt know whether i wanted to have cheese and onion or plain so my mom said plain outloud i disaggreed thats how i knew so go for ur boyfreind now how do u feel? go for ur best freind now how do u feel?
on October 21, 2011
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Your boyfriend is your boyfriend and your best friend is your best friend. You can lose your best friend if you give him a chance and it doesn't work, then you'll be sorry. In time you'll see for whom you have real feelings. Take care.
on October 16, 2011
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i think you should date the one who treats you right if your more close with your best friend date him
on February 15, 2013
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Well, if u turst ur friend more than the other one than date him. But if ur really in luv with ur bf than continue 2 date him. So if he dumps u, u can go out with him! Hope this helped!
on April 12, 2012
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i would go with who you think you like the best.say if your boyfriend dumps you,you can go out with your best friend.
on December 31, 2011
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i had to make this decision once before and it helped when i told both guys how i felt and about the whole "other guy" situation. most likely there will be a guy that either leaves you because he thinks that you should just know it will be him or try to buy you love, and there will be the guy that tells you that he just wants you to be happy so you should make the decision that you'll be happy with and whatever you choose he will be right by your side.
on December 11, 2011
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Go with your best friend, because if he is really your best friend then he'll stick around even if you guys break up. If he doesn't then he really wasn't your best friend in the first place.
on October 28, 2011
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btw im dating my guy friend. and its awesome cuz were not akward round eachother
on May 10, 2012
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i sugest u go with the one that is really nice to you and who appreciates you:) and if your friend likes you and hes awesome then choose him but if not stay with your boyfriend.
on May 10, 2012
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so whoever you choose, make sure you really do like him because if you find out that you really liked that other guy more, you might not get the chance to get him back.
on December 11, 2011
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Dude, dump the boyfriend and go out with your best friend, I would do that if I were you
on March 08, 2016
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write a pros and cons list... that's always helped me...
trust me, i know... i've had boys chasing me since 2nd grade:">:x:p
trust me, i know... i've had boys chasing me since 2nd grade:">:x:p
on March 07, 2016
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it depends on what they are like . also whether you have nown them for a while talk to them but sepratly but dont even think abot 2x to make them both fell better
on October 11, 2013
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try them both out. See which one gets you more and which one you feel like you can hang around more but remember. you go to school to get experience and brides maids, you go to college to get a husband
on August 26, 2013
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well,if it something like a long distance relationship with your bf (cause u said you guys barley see each other) then you might waanna dump him and then go for the other guy :)
on July 17, 2013
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dump both. its likely tht both of them are not for you. just say you need some time apart
on July 16, 2013
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stay with your current bf and if something goes wrong go for your friend! just don't dump your new boyfriend because someone else likes you.
on June 26, 2013
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If you think you IN love with your boyfriend, then you date him, but if you feel likr you dont have to put a wall up between you and your bestfriend, then thats the guy!
on April 23, 2013
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Go with your friend, you actually know him. The other guys just doing it because he wants to.
Trust me, I had my heart broken more times than you could count.
Trust me, I had my heart broken more times than you could count.
on April 02, 2013