Explain Steven Universe BUT... Explain Steven Universe to someone who has never watched it, BUT you can't use these words. Gems, Rocks, Gay, Lesbian, Minerals, Fusion, the names of any characters, Mom, Space, or Beach City. Good luck

Explain Steven Universe BUT... Explain Steven Universe to someone who has never watched it, BUT you can't use these words. Gems, Rocks, Gay, Lesbian, Minerals, Fusion, the names of any characters, Mom, Space, or Beach City. Good luck

Answers (1)

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It's a show about interstellar people who save the world and one of them is a human, who isn't good at saving the world yet, but tries. One of the interstellar people had that human and they inherited their powers, but only some of them. Their dad is a human like them, and they love them. One of the interstellars is two interstellars mixed as one, one of them is a salty fighter, and the last one is lazy, but tough. There are two more also with them. The first one is a bit bossy, See More
on July 24, 2018
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