My parent likes to argue in front of me!!? I hate this, They arguing to each other, cursing, and looking at me like "You think like me right?" "Dad is an idiot yeah?" "Mum is insane! you think like me yeah?" If I choose mum side dad's will be like 'I'm so disappointed, Why you're so stupid!?' If I choose dad side my mum will be like 'You're an idiot like your father, b****' They're neither both wrong or right, My mum absolute hate my dad and my dad just don't understand her.. Their both my parent!! what should I do? I'm in the middle.. :( PS. That's my chicken lol :)
Answers (12)
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1, your chicken is adorable
2, When your parents ask you this say "Leave me out of your fights!" and run off. They have no right to curse at you and force you to chose.
2, When your parents ask you this say "Leave me out of your fights!" and run off. They have no right to curse at you and force you to chose.
on April 29, 2014
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1) Say, "Don't bring me into your fights!" And back off.
2) Say, "Don't you relize I'm infront of you!"
3) I know what ypur going threw. Happens to me.
2) Say, "Don't you relize I'm infront of you!"
3) I know what ypur going threw. Happens to me.
on February 29, 2016
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First tell them calmly and not during one of their fights that you don't appreciate them dragging you into one of their spats. If this doesn't help than just walk away if they start fighting. If they get mad explain that you told them you don't want to be a part of it.
on April 29, 2014
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Maybe tell them you hate them fighting in front of you and them saying you're an idiot if you don't side with them
on April 28, 2014
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#1 ur chicken is so cute lol
and second of all I'm sorry that you are going through this. They should'n't be doing this to you and they really shouldn't do it in front of you. You need to talk to them apart, when they are in good moods, and tell them how you feel. You need to say how it makes you sad and how you feel like they are making you feel as if you must take sides. After you talk to them apart try to talk together in the same room calmly so then maybe they will see how See More childish they are acting.
good luck and feel free to talk to me if you need... I've been in your shoes.
and second of all I'm sorry that you are going through this. They should'n't be doing this to you and they really shouldn't do it in front of you. You need to talk to them apart, when they are in good moods, and tell them how you feel. You need to say how it makes you sad and how you feel like they are making you feel as if you must take sides. After you talk to them apart try to talk together in the same room calmly so then maybe they will see how See More childish they are acting.
good luck and feel free to talk to me if you need... I've been in your shoes.
on April 28, 2014
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P.S. I liek ur chicken XD My neighbors have chickens. Sometimes I go and feed them with this girl, Sarah. I even got to name one- Ginger, cuz it's orange. Sarah named the white one Winter. I'm probably gonna name one of the red ones Scarlett. She tried to peck my shoe lol. Anyhow, I wish you all the best.
on September 13, 2014
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You should tell someone, like your aunt or someone. That is totally wrong. And I'm so sorry to say this but... I think they should split up. Are they nice to you in general? How old are you? Because that is very wrong and I'm sorry to say that it should be reported to the police.
on September 13, 2014
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Calmly tell them that you do not like to be in the middle and also say that your are not going to choose a side at all
on April 29, 2014
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My advice is to talk to 1 of them about it. Or both. Maybe even at the same time in the same room. Good luck!

Oh... what about asking ur friends then? I'm pretty sure they can help! Whatever you do though, Don't Give Up!!!!
on April 28, 2014
on April 28, 2014
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run away its your fault maybe without you they will love each other again

That is so not true! Besides, they are fighting with each other! They probably don't realize how much they are hurting him. I bet they love him!
on September 18, 2016
on April 28, 2014