Have you ever been kissed? If so, please share your stories! Have you ever kissed someone? I'm 15 and I haven't. Is that weird? Aghh. Advice? Maybe? I don't know.
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I'm 16, and I haven't even gotten close to being kissed

Haha oh.
on May 10, 2014

about... I think it's been about a week
on May 10, 2014

Aw how long have you been dating,
on May 10, 2014

yep :)
on May 10, 2014

Oh:) you're girlfriend?
on May 09, 2014

for me, someone already has
on May 09, 2014

I mean I'm not great friends with her, and she already has another boyfriend. So I can't see why she would get mad. And you are who you are. Someone will come along and love you for that.
on May 09, 2014

people say I'm annoying two, but that's because I try to be, more fun than being boring, and I can be more mature when I choose to be
on May 09, 2014

well, I don't know what to tell you with A, but there is usually a thing with dating friend exes, I think it's won't like three months, and it won't be awkward for your friend
on May 09, 2014

Jesus yes. Like all the guys that like me are, no offense, ugly. But they are also annoying so that's a deal breaker. I like this guy in my karate class but A) I don't know I he likes me and B) he just got out of a relationship with one of my friends so I'm not sure what to do... :(
on May 09, 2014

know what I mean?
on May 02, 2014

some want, but I don't want them :D
on May 02, 2014

on May 02, 2014

lemme try again dem girls is missing out on you
on May 02, 2014

why does everyone think I'm a girl -_- this is the... third time this has happened... I think, maybe second...
on May 02, 2014

I am a boy :p
on May 02, 2014

Dem boys missing out on us
on May 02, 2014
on May 01, 2014
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I'm with u. I'm 14 but still haven't been kissed on the lips. :( I guy kissed me on the cheek though

I mean a guy has kissed me on the lips before but I didn't really count it since I didn't want him to
on April 28, 2014

a girl kissed mo on the cheek once and someone online has pretended to kiss me but nothing in real life (im 14) :(
on April 25, 2014
on April 25, 2014
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I've been kissed by a guy that's not my dad. His name is Ryan. We kissed when we were both 6 years old. Hopefully this answers your question. Oh btw I am 10 now. Yup...
on April 25, 2014
on April 25, 2014
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yes !
.... See More
i kissed my bedroom wall while sleeping
the end
.... See More
i kissed my bedroom wall while sleeping
the end
on August 29, 2018
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Yes...This year...In summer school my bf (now my ex), Kissed me in the hallway. He told me to stop walking and randomly kissed me.
on November 19, 2015
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when i was like 6 me and this disgusting boy from my class (for privacy reasons I'm going to refer to him as james) kissed in the playground of our school. But it doesn't really count, it was just a peck on the lips. All of my friends and his friends got all excited, every time they bring it up i'm just like "OMFG WE NEVER KISSED!!" lmao
on November 03, 2014
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Not gonna get a boyfriend until college (maybe!)

I have a boyfriend now. He kissed my forehead because he's a gentleman :D
on July 20, 2014
on July 20, 2014
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So my 1st kiss was sooooooo amasing!!!
So i had jest truned 16 and me and my bff and them was at the park and thats where was all hang at so it was a group of boys up there playing b-ball and my boyfriend was up there and he was playing to and so they stopped playing came over and sat with us and he pulled me to the side and walked me over to the swings and sat me down and told me that he loved me and i was like "aww i love you too bae" and he was like "come here" and he put See More one of his hands on my hip and the other under my chin and kissed me:-*
and i feel in love with him all over again it was like fireworks!!:D
So i had jest truned 16 and me and my bff and them was at the park and thats where was all hang at so it was a group of boys up there playing b-ball and my boyfriend was up there and he was playing to and so they stopped playing came over and sat with us and he pulled me to the side and walked me over to the swings and sat me down and told me that he loved me and i was like "aww i love you too bae" and he was like "come here" and he put See More one of his hands on my hip and the other under my chin and kissed me:-*
and i feel in love with him all over again it was like fireworks!!:D
on May 18, 2014
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I was really scared for my first kiss. Don't worry, it's the best thing that ever happened to me. First off, try to suck on the guys bottom lip and make sure that your lips are smooth and your breath is good. don't give too much tongue, but a little will keep the guy wanting more. also, keep them short. that will also make the guy want more. he fill freak if you blow in his ear. Don't make it too obvious though.
My first kiss was amazing. I had just turned 13 and I was talking See More to my BF about my stupid step mom and what she had said about him, and he was hugging me and then he told me hat he loved me and that everything was gonna be okay. He brought his hand up my shirt and started kissing me. He's British.
I wish you the best of luck, and I home it's amazing!!! ;)
My first kiss was amazing. I had just turned 13 and I was talking See More to my BF about my stupid step mom and what she had said about him, and he was hugging me and then he told me hat he loved me and that everything was gonna be okay. He brought his hand up my shirt and started kissing me. He's British.
I wish you the best of luck, and I home it's amazing!!! ;)

This is good advice, but I don't I'll ever "french" a boy or suck on his bottom or top lip.
on June 11, 2015
on May 09, 2014