I need crush help... I have a crush but I don't know if I should tell them or not. Me and this person talk a lot and I feel like they may be flirting with me, I'm not quite sure though. They are nice and they don't judge me. They are a perfect match for me personality wise... I just don't know if I should wait for them to make the first move or if I should.
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on May 02, 2014
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I had the same problem. Me and my bf were in that sittuation and i told him how i felt and it worked out. U should so try. If he doesn't, kick him in the face!:D
on April 23, 2014
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Can you date? If you can then they probably do like you back from the small amount of info uv given us so go ahead and tell them you like them and see what comes out of it.
on April 22, 2014
everytime someones like what should i do im like where do u want it to go do u want them to ask u out and then they say they cant date and then theres nothing i can do.
on April 22, 2014
just checking its an annoying problem i run into when helping people with relationship stuff and leaves me like -_-
on April 22, 2014
on April 22, 2014