Why do people not follow you if you follow them? I'm following 196 people but I'm only being followed by 106! What's with those 90 people?
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What im gonna do is unfollow everyone and then follow the ones who are following me back
Ikr Same I'm following like 1,000 something people
on April 22, 2014
on April 21, 2014
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Idk I only have 6 people who I'm following and they haven't followed me back I think it's cuz they left qfeast. Did I scare them away :(
I just know it's proper etiquette to follow people who follow you... I hope not, and thanks I like ur stuff too!
on April 21, 2014
on April 21, 2014
on April 21, 2014
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Its because the people want to make it seem like they have alot of folowers, but not following so many. Or they simply haven't gone on qfeast lately, which is like 40% of the time. :D
on April 21, 2014
on April 21, 2014
on April 21, 2014
on April 21, 2014