why do people feel more sorry for animals than their own kind why do people always feel more sorry for animals when they die than humans?
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like when my tadpole died i was bawling. its because they don't have a afterlife. well maybe but also they have a short life.
like when my tadpole died i was bawling. its because they don't have a afterlife. well maybe but also they have a short life.
on October 10, 2014
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Because animals are completely innocent. They have done nothing to us and yet they die. Especially when the loyal and awesome dogs die cuz all they ever did was help.
on April 15, 2015
on April 16, 2014
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Think of it like this; Humans are the crappiest people
What I meant was that humans are like the advanced version of animals. Since they have the ability to communicate as well as study and learn, they study the OTHER ANIMALS and look at their state compared to ours. Sorry about the "crappiest" part. My sister took the laptop and wrote that. :( Sorry!
on April 16, 2014
on April 16, 2014
on April 16, 2014
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Because they're "cute" for most people.
I care for humans more than animals. Like what Dazzle said ... Animals have NO spirits. Humans are more valuable. It's sad for animals to die , but there's no reason to feel that bad.
I care for humans more than animals. Like what Dazzle said ... Animals have NO spirits. Humans are more valuable. It's sad for animals to die , but there's no reason to feel that bad.
on August 14, 2014