Does This Sound Strange To You Too? New Story? There was a math question on one of my tests and it said something like, "Jeff made quilts-" I stopped reading there and the first thought that popped into my head was Jeff The Killer, obviously. I think about him every time I hear the name Jeff just because I know him so well. But that's not what sounds strange. After getting ready for school the next morning, I brought up the topic to my brother. He was like, "Jeff doesn't make quilts." Me: I know.] Brother: So why are we talking about it?] Me: Because it sounds like Slender would be very confused.] Brother: Everypasta would be.] Me: Slender would be like, "Where did we go wrong?!"] Brother: And Ben would say, "Jeff, why are you making quilts?!"] Me: Jeff says, "I'm not" ;Ben; Yes you are! ;Jeff; I changed Ben, I changed. ;Slender+Ben; Where did we go wrong?! ;Jeff; I don't kill anymore. ;Slender; He's messed up.] Brother: Then Jeff would take a quilt and throw it over his head like he was hiding and go, "QUILT!"] We laughed at the thought and kept on going on and on with it. My questions are: Does that sound strange to you like it does to me? and, Should I make it a silly story just for some laughs?
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xD There was once a maths question on one of my tests and it said "The temperature is 20% cooler..." and it made me laugh because it made me think of Rainbow Dash. Once on my comprehension test it said "opportunity in the community" and that made me laugh too.

on May 31, 2014

Oh, lol XD
on May 31, 2014

Because I just read the top of the question. xD
on May 31, 2014

Both of those make me laugh too! But, how did that relate to my question? XD
on May 31, 2014
on May 31, 2014
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No it doesnt sound strange.Peaked my interests with the Jeff hiding under a quilt and all XD
on April 06, 2014