Any suggestions for knotty hair? My hair always really knotty and dry, i am sick and tired of brushing it because it constantly hurts... I would be gratefull for any hair brush or shampoo and conditioner suggestions. Thanks! - Q t e e n s
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Yeah I do what @Ema_biersack does and it work perfectly! Also getting a detangler would work wonders too. I use the detangler like crazy!

Glad I could help:)

Yeah thanks!
on August 24, 2014
on August 24, 2014
on August 24, 2014
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Condition your hair every shower, and shower every day. Make sure your hair is clean and not dry, and don't put hair spray in it. Get a spray on detangler and brush and spray at the same time. Try brushing while wet too, that might work.
on August 06, 2016
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I brush my hair in the shower.
Like, shampoo, brush, wash it out, brush and same with conditioner.
Like, shampoo, brush, wash it out, brush and same with conditioner.
on July 24, 2014
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brush out d not from d bottom goin upwards n brush dat way at least twice a day :). i no wat i talkin bout i hav noty hair 2
on April 12, 2014