i sad i need advice i cry every night now because my hero andy biersack is atheist and i want to see him in the after life...i pray for god to let him in when he dies but i don't know what to do,and i really sad about that,all i want to do is sit in the dark and cry while listening to there songs.they really helped me.they helped me stop cutting myself with the help of you guys.they helped me trough thick and thin even if they weren't actually "there" there but anyway,i just don't know who to turn too i can't talk to my mom about this because she wouldn't get it,she wouldn't get the way i feel about him,he literally saved my life his hole band did,and i am thankful for that every day,and to know that i won't see him after i die and spend eternity being friends with him it---it hurts really bad. i don't know who else to turn to.
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Just pray to God that he does something in his life that will open his eyes to Him. I know what you mean with the helping you. My chemical Romance is my band savior lol. I cried so much when they broke up. I love BVB to tho.
on March 18, 2014
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Don't worry. Even after they die, there is still hope for redemption. Still, it depends entirely up to them whether to listen or not. He may very well convert to the true church.
on March 18, 2014
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its okay, no-one is going to heaven, we will all bask in the glory of the almighty Allah
on March 18, 2014
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Maybe try sending him a letter or something telling him this he might not take it seriously but at least you tried
on March 18, 2014