Have you ever been caught without clothes on? If so, what's your story?
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thats a veryyyy interesting question!! and yes i have been caught like that (more than 2 times) -_- the weirdest of weird things always happen to me.. so my 1st story goes like that: i got out of he toilet naked -_- and a guest just entered the room (i had not locked the door cause i was less than 8 years old) my mom cheered me up telling me that he had a girl of my age and it wasn't that big of a deal -_- still my shyness was very hurt -_- ... 2nd story: i was dancing in the See More bathroom (obviously naked, i was still around 8 years old again) and dad opened the bathroom to see wat took me sooo long in there.. i was not only caught naked but also in a weird dancing pose with my hands in the air!! All other stories are similar because i forgot to lock the door :D it happened to me until i was more than 14 years old i guess -_- oh and now i NEVER forget to lock the door etc :D

@HelloPeople ... XD yea bein in the bathroom is a happy occasion for me :D actually i often put loud music n go shower so i just start dancing... am a weird person so.... XD i wish u catch ur bro naked soon! good luck :p
on July 17, 2014

hahaha! My little brother ALWAYS forgets to lock the door, if only I could catch him like this, he wouldn't forget! BTW, why were you dancing? Is using the bathroom such a happy occasion? :)
on July 16, 2014

ahahaha :D ok :D i'm 16 so i feel realllyy old -_-
on March 31, 2014

Me too! Lol.
on March 26, 2014

no! :D 16 actually
on March 26, 2014

Are you being serious?...
on March 26, 2014

wow WOW i never got 7 likes for a comment!!! :D oh and i'm 61 ( :"> ... ) :D
on March 26, 2014

hey para!! well i like being a card since u say i'm one!! whatever u say i am is me :D hehehe
on March 26, 2014

A card means different, odd, strange. if it's good or bad depends on how you take it!
on March 25, 2014

And what are your newer ones(of more than14 and stuff)
on March 24, 2014

Yeah how old is you now?
on March 24, 2014

How old are you, now? :D
on March 23, 2014

a card?? O_o .. like the cards we send for birthday or christmas or new year wishes?? -_- .. well, why am i a card??? *excited to be a card* :D
on March 12, 2014

well, Akane, you are a card that is for sure
on March 11, 2014
on March 11, 2014
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Yeah my god brother walked into my room when I was changing

on March 25, 2014
on March 24, 2014
on March 13, 2014
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1) Yes one time me and my friend were in the bathroom changing into our bathing suits (I was behind the shower curtain) and she just opens the curtain for no reason while I'm BUCK NAKED! 2) I was on the toilet going to the bathroom and my friend with EXTREMELY long nails unlocked the door with her nails on purpose! (I was 6)

on March 25, 2014
on March 25, 2014
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Yes...many times, actually. One of them is on that "embarrassing moments" page, but I'll share another one here...
While I was in a Walmart changing room, trying on clothes, I was about 12 and I forgot to close the door all the way and I accidentally kicked it open while I was trying to get pants on, and I was in just my bra and underwear, and I was exposed to a bunch of strangers who were all staring at me:">
While I was in a Walmart changing room, trying on clothes, I was about 12 and I forgot to close the door all the way and I accidentally kicked it open while I was trying to get pants on, and I was in just my bra and underwear, and I was exposed to a bunch of strangers who were all staring at me:">
on March 25, 2014
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Again, why would you want to know this. THIS IS PERSONAL!!! And even if I did, it was when I was a baby. .......weird question......

on March 23, 2014
on March 23, 2014
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When I was in 4th grade, my class went on an overnight trip. There was only one shower (it wasn't really a shower. It was more like a closet with an overhead faucet and no hot water), and the teachers said that we needed to go in pairs in the shower, since we had to hurry up and get to bed. There was no way I was gonna shower with any other girl, so I showered last, alone. However, the light switch was on the outside of the shower-closet-room, and halfway through my shower I guess See More someone accidentally turned it off from the outside. I had to open the door to try and turn the light back on, but someone saw me anyway. So my efforts to shower unseen were useless. Ah well.
on July 16, 2014
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One time i was changing in my grandparent's house and the maid came into my room to clean and i went under the bed. Luckily she didn't see me.. The bad part i had to stay there for 30 minutes (until she was done cleaning)
on August 17, 2014
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Walked out of the shower in my room and my friends had come in to find me. They were all girls and we were young so it didn't really matter but I was still like Wtf xD
on August 09, 2015
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It was camp. We had two cabins; one for girls, one for boys; and unisex bathrooms inbetween. There were no stalls, just curtains. I needed to change but all the showers were full. So, I went into a toilet stall and did my business and then began taking my clothing off. Just as I had taken off my underwear and was completely butt naked, a girl pulls the curtain open, thinking the stall was empty.
Most people– myself included– would have shouted sorry and ran away or closed the See More door quickly and forgot anything happened. Instead, she looked me up and down for about five seconds, then said sorry and left. Next time I saw her, she brought it up. Again, she brought it up. For the remaining weeks of camp, she continued talking about it, and I am so glad we lost touch.
Most people– myself included– would have shouted sorry and ran away or closed the See More door quickly and forgot anything happened. Instead, she looked me up and down for about five seconds, then said sorry and left. Next time I saw her, she brought it up. Again, she brought it up. For the remaining weeks of camp, she continued talking about it, and I am so glad we lost touch.
on August 08, 2015