Jewel and Raven's Halloween Extravaganza JeweledOwl812 and Ravenclaw3243 are hosting a Halloween event on MINECRAFT! It is on the server Build Freeks! The Ip is: mc.buildfreeks.com Go to JeweledOwl812's plot for the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and my plot for the Café-of-Doom. It's an hour long at 2:00 PM (Eastern US time) on Sunday Oct. 26. It's gonna be SUPER FUN! We will be spending 45 minutes at the Trick-or-Treat Trail, and the last 15 minutes at the cafe. Please be there! (NOTE: You must have Minecraft PC to go on servers.) Other: Go to Jewel's plot by using the command: /plotme home JeweledOwl812 and go to my plot by using the command: /plotme home Ravenclaw3243 Please do /ptime night (be in nighttime (SPOOKY!)) Follow the rules! Hope to see you there! :D
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I went on for like 3 minutes... Then i had to go to late lunch with family :(


Thanks ^_^ @CrystalDiamond2323 bye wanna rp?
on October 28, 2014

XD cool!
on October 28, 2014

@CrystalDiamond2323 I guess so...Like 30 people came, and 64 people were online (on the server). Then we ACCIDENTLY *cough* broke the server because too many people were on. And the server was down the rest of the day XD
on October 28, 2014

did many people go? :(
on October 28, 2014
on October 28, 2014
on October 28, 2014