JeweledOwl812's Polls
JeweledOwl812 published 21 polls

Which Story Should Jewel (Me!) Write Next? (descriptions are in the first comment)

Which is Your Dominant Hand?

Paper Books or E-Books?

Do You Have a Nickname?

Buy or DIY?

Sherlock or Dr. Who?

Which Type of Movie Do You Enjoy the Most?

Which Band is the Best? (From the Following)

Guacamole or Salsa?

Which Web Browser Do You Prefer?

Which Type of Weather Do You Prefer?

Favorite Beverage?

Pick A Magical Object

If You Could Travel Through Time, Which Would You Choose?

How Many Languages Do You Speak?

Do You Study With Music On?

Which Fandom Place Do You Want To Go To The Most?

Where Are You From In Panem?

Which Mythical Creature is Your Favorite?