A boy in my class thinks I like him! (Girls) My friend dared me 2 tell this boy I liked him when I dont. He heard her say tht and now he thinks I like him! What do I do? I dont want 2 hurt his feelings and tell him i dont like him but its tru!
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why dont you slowly approach him and say: "hey... erm you might think i like you but my friend gave me a dare to do... im sorry if ive dissapointed you but its true..." and then slowly walk away!
hope it helps!
hope it helps!
on April 13, 2012
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i know you dont want to hurt his feelings but just say u and ur friend were doing dares or stuff like that and she told me too say it that i like you just say ur not the right guy for me (if u got a bf that wud work perfectly) i hope this advice was good enough for you
on May 14, 2012
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ok just let him down easy like this hi ummm you know how my friend dared me to tell you i like you i just dont like you like that k sorry hope this helps!
on December 25, 2012
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Sorry your not my tyPe but i am not relly the eysest person to talk to so this would not go very well i would drop the f bom
on December 13, 2012
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Just ignore it and I think he will slowly get the hint that u don't!!!:)
on May 07, 2012
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dont talk to him so much, or just ignore him. or talk bout u liking some other guy or going on a date with some guy in front of him
on May 12, 2012
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well u should trey and send him a anymous that says i only like you as a friend hell get the message

you should sit him dow n and say if i was to dare yoto say to my freind you like her would you if he sayds yes then tell him you dont like him if he says no he is the dumbest boy ive heard about. and thats an honest opinion
on March 31, 2013
on March 14, 2013
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on October 28, 2013
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chillax tell him you don't it will be fine I think I guy in my class likes him (I kinda do) but he keeps teasing me like crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on October 25, 2013
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Ignore him to death. He will get the picture that you don't like him in about a week or so just ignore him!
on June 18, 2013
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If he thinks that then let him. If it gets to the point where he asks you out, then tell him you only like him as a friend. If he just thinks you like him, then tell him you like someone else nicely and that it was all a dare. Don't say it in a mean way though.
on June 04, 2013
crazinesss CRAZINESSS