What book are you reading right now?
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None!I read all my books!

Lol same here I have read all mine at least twice but I've gotten some from my school library
on December 08, 2013
on April 04, 2012
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i am reading warrior cats by erin hunter its really good it can be sad sometimes and funny and be very happy it is about cats that are surviving and fighting for their lives it is such a great book there are big suprises and lots of shock and clift hangers plizz read it plizz ;D :O :)

Lol. Ok, I finished omen of the stars. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!! Are you gonna read the dawn of the clans?
on July 12, 2013

OMG. Since u wrote this comment over a year ago, have you since finished it? If so, did you like it? If the answer to the first question was in fact 'no', what book are you on, and have you enjoyed the warriors series so far?
on July 12, 2013
on April 05, 2012
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Read the Treekeepers.It's a bit juvenile but oh well... At school we have to analyze Bridge to Terabithia! I read that half a decade ago grr
on April 20, 2012
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Usually read more that one at once. Just finished Eldest by Christopher Paolini, but now I'm reading four: Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, Temeraire by Naomi Novik, Queste by Angie Sage and The Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman
on April 18, 2012
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warrior cats

Lol. Ok, I finished omen of the stars. IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!! Are you gonna read the dawn of the clans?
on July 12, 2013

OMG. Since u wrote this comment over a year ago, have you since finished it? If so, did you like it? If the answer to the first question was in fact 'no', what book are you on, and have you enjoyed the warriors series so far?
on July 12, 2013
on April 10, 2012
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haha i know what u mean ;D u could always go to the library, ya know? that might help. :) im reading Tome of the Undergates by Sam Sykes. its awesome! i just wish i could find more books with morbidly psychotic characters.....*sigh*....does anyone know any?
on April 04, 2012
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Im reading the series of unfortunate events.

Oo I love those books
on December 30, 2017
on May 31, 2017
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Warriors: The First Apprentice, or something. The first book in the new series. I have read every single one in the series except for that one and the ones after! :)
on September 03, 2016
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I'm not currently reading any books, but I'm writing one! https://www.qfeast.com/story/ZCUQMr/Connected-by-Hearts-Alyssa-s-story
on August 21, 2016
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A Court Of Thorns And Roses by Sarah J. Maas.
Ravens Gate by Anthony Horwitz.
The Crown by Kiera Cass.
Half Lost by Sally Green.
Death Note Manga Volume One.
I can rad a lot of books at the one time!
Ravens Gate by Anthony Horwitz.
The Crown by Kiera Cass.
Half Lost by Sally Green.
Death Note Manga Volume One.
I can rad a lot of books at the one time!
on July 12, 2016
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Warrior Cats Dark River, should I stop and read it from the very beginning so it makes sense?

I mean read the series from the beginning, like read the first book published.

Yep. It's doesn't make any kind of sense to not read them in order. Trust me, I already tried that.
on July 13, 2016
on March 20, 2014
on March 20, 2014
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on September 13, 2013
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i have to do presentations on books i have just finished reading so i have to reread parts of them, right now I'm reading: separate peace, suck wicked intent, beautiful creatures
and reading for presentations: the fourth stall, 1984
and books I want to finish reading because i couldn't previously: all these hidden (something like that)
and reading for presentations: the fourth stall, 1984
and books I want to finish reading because i couldn't previously: all these hidden (something like that)
on December 09, 2012
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I live in Shnaghai so I have to buy all my books online and it takes so long to deliver *groan* But I just got a few new books yesterday, I'm reading Reign of Madness, Fairest, Mockingjay (for the umpteenth time), and I just finished Call of the Wild. I read a lot XD and I love classics^^
on April 08, 2012
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Survivors: the gathering darkness: the final battle
on April 28, 2019