I love your profile picture it's so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks your too
on November 09, 2012
on August 30, 2012

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What is your movie???
on May 05, 2012

I love your profile picture! So many colours!
on April 03, 2012

For the guess what my grandma's dogs name is? is it Sandie ( Sand-ie) or candie?

You were close with Sandie. It is kind of funny because one of my grandma's dogs name used to be sandie
on March 31, 2012
on March 30, 2012

i gona use 1 of ur ideas the 1 bout the simple futur n stuff lik dat
on March 27, 2012

You should read the boy from left field by Tom Hennigan! It is awesome!
on March 27, 2012

wel u won caus u r da only 1 who actualy put thot into it and actualy cared soooooo wat do u want me 2 do? plz only on qfeast

srry ripley but i goin 2 kep takin lik dis if u lik it or not!yay i stand up for myself
on April 08, 2012

I do not care! YOu don't have to do anything just tell me if you use my ideas and you get a 4 or 5 star quiz
on March 27, 2012
on March 27, 2012

on March 23, 2012