Why do people think twilight is better then harry potter cas its not
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It is better, for example, magic is much more exciting than a book writing about a time of the day.

Note that this is coming from Severus Snape. :P (I love Harry Potter, too)
on February 13, 2015

on July 14, 2014
on August 12, 2013
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Anyone who thinks Twilight is better probably hasn't read the Harry Potter books.
Harry Potter is Better.
Harry Potter is Better.
on March 17, 2014
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Remove the love, and HP is about a boy who survived a terrible curse, who is destined to kill a evil monster of a human. Remove the love, and T is about a girl named Bella who moves to a rainy town. End of story. Harry Potter wins.

on June 06, 2013
on January 08, 2013
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I think Twilight is meant only for matured teens cause now even 7 year olds are reading twilight which is not meant for them!They can read Harry Potter!Look I'm not saying Harry Potter is a baby book but it's less disgusting than twilight.That means Twilight is disgusting!Harry Potter is better than Twilight because Twilight contains material not meant for little children!And Cholebabey is right everyone is entitled to their own opinion!So your opinion is Harry Potter is better See More than Twilight!
on April 02, 2012
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*no offense to the author*
I believe that Twilight was wrote specifically for teens/preteens who are romance-druggers (what we call people who read romance all the time)
I have read the series but I quickly gotten bored, I'm sure that the author is considered a very well writer, but with all of the romance going over and over and over it makes the story get old very quickly. I'm sure that many people love the series, but It really just wasn't for me.
I believe that Twilight was wrote specifically for teens/preteens who are romance-druggers (what we call people who read romance all the time)
I have read the series but I quickly gotten bored, I'm sure that the author is considered a very well writer, but with all of the romance going over and over and over it makes the story get old very quickly. I'm sure that many people love the series, but It really just wasn't for me.
on November 25, 2013
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what JasperLover1132000 and Cholebabey said. Twilight is NOT cool guys! (in my opinion) The only movie I like about Twilight is Vampires SUCK, that movie is epic. I love werewolves, but I'm more of a Harry Potter gal. PS: The only movie I would DIE for, is Van Helson. That movie is pure AWESOMENESS! It's the only horror vampire/werewolf movie i love!!
on May 09, 2012
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Voldemort killed Cedric so Voldemort > Cedric (he's more powerful)
Harry Potter killed Voldemort so Harry Potter > Voldemort
Cedric Diggory=Edward Cullen (don't go no! It's just the same actor stop picking)
Therefore Harry Potter > Edward Cullen
Harry Potter killed Voldemort so Harry Potter > Voldemort
Cedric Diggory=Edward Cullen (don't go no! It's just the same actor stop picking)
Therefore Harry Potter > Edward Cullen

(Well, technically Wormtail killed Cedric, and then I guess he killed himself? But it was Voldy who gave him that hand, so it would be:
Wormtail killed Cedric so Wormtail > Cedric
Voldy gave him the means to kill himself so Voldy > Wormy
Harry killed Voldy so Harry > Voldy
So Harry > Cedric (and whoever the other guy is))
Wormtail killed Cedric so Wormtail > Cedric
Voldy gave him the means to kill himself so Voldy > Wormy
Harry killed Voldy so Harry > Voldy
So Harry > Cedric (and whoever the other guy is))
on March 06, 2015
on May 04, 2014
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I personally think that Harry Potter is better (Obviously), but everyone has their own opinions, so let's let that be that.
on June 16, 2015
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I don't know why people think Twilight better, I have to read Twilight for school and i've read all the Harry Potter books twice (I haven't gotten the chance to read them more because of all the other books I read) and Twilight is really bad, it doesn't evn have a good plot and it's really boring
on June 03, 2015
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Twilight is just fan fiction that got turned into a book by a bunch of romance lovers... harry potter is way better
on March 12, 2015
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It is! Magic+Hippogriffs+action+danger+ really cool characters+ adventure= AWESOMENESS!!
on August 11, 2013
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I prefer the Twilight books over Harry Potter because its both exciting and in a way romantic I mean a vampire in love with a human its so strange but yet beautiful all at the same time so that why I like it better than Harry potter.

Screw you. Hunger games is a better love story
on November 02, 2020
on October 08, 2015
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on June 04, 2015
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omg harry potter is sooooooooooooo much better than twilight... the caractures are strong, in twilight bella is weak and frail... in #2 she falls apart when edward leaves her than she gets on a motercycle with a strange man so she can see a stupid ilusion of EDWARD!! (sorry, no offence to anyone who likes it)
on March 05, 2014
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Some people like different things.We shouldn't judge them just because they like another book/movie that we ourselves don't like.I'm a Potterhead but I have a Twihard friend.Nothing wrong with that.
on June 21, 2013
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twighligt is abook where vampires can see there own REFLECTIONS! I have read two of the books with hardship because one of my friends told me to do it, and wouldn't stand down! but now she loves hp!
anyways, I think that twighlight is not good, because its not original, i mean, its another book where a vampire falsl in love wih a human,exept the charecters have different names.
Just like I read twighlight, reda harry potter, and your mind WILL change, if it doesn;t then feel See More free to leave hate comments on hp, you will not change my mind, and I know I cant change yours!
anyways, I think that twighlight is not good, because its not original, i mean, its another book where a vampire falsl in love wih a human,exept the charecters have different names.
Just like I read twighlight, reda harry potter, and your mind WILL change, if it doesn;t then feel See More free to leave hate comments on hp, you will not change my mind, and I know I cant change yours!
on June 06, 2013