Anyone seen Smile? >:) A My Little Pony video and it's so awsome!!! but when i first watched it i thought it was just Pinkie singing smile smile smile, oh how i loved that song, now every time i listen to it, thats all i think about O.o.... anyways its pretty cool. Warning: it's made from MisterDavie and the song is by Foozogz or something like that :P
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MisterDavie makes disgusting stuff. I didn't like it that much, I don't really like seeing videos of creepy pony stuff, I much prefer it in writing. It's just slightly weird.

ah well, its interesting :P
on January 07, 2014
on January 06, 2014
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Well the first time I watched it I got scared but after I turned 7 I was fine (I was still scared like 2%) but my lil sister cried -_-
It caused me some nightmares but I got over it but still a lot of gore
It caused me some nightmares but I got over it but still a lot of gore
on April 21, 2021
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To be hones (again) this video lead me to finding Cupcakes the fanfic, and to other fanfics that had now turned me into a grimdark pony, I assure you all that's why my name is psychotic alice >:) LoL :P
on September 29, 2014
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Hell yeah I like it that Fluttershy put up the best fight and that it's so dark and wrong just the though of a pony killing her friends and still singing such a happy song make my heart sing!
on July 30, 2014
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You mean this ------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqVVtaWd8Pw
Yep, seen it...
My reaction, you ask?
Let's just say...
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!! >:) XD
Yep, seen it...
My reaction, you ask?
Let's just say...
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!! >:) XD
on May 10, 2014
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LoL i was younger when i first saw this, loved the song and PinkiePie.... well i got nothing all i wanna say is grats to Fluttershy who was a total Bad@$$ in it, but pinkie cheated, could you use subtitles? O.o :D

on January 15, 2014
on December 18, 2013
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To be honest i was only looking up MLP songs when i came across this, and really, you have to watch it. on youtube. in the dark. with the volume hi. :D

on December 24, 2013
on December 17, 2013