Re-asked Question Ok so, since NO ONE answer my first question..... Here It Is I have been thinking for my first story i wanted to make a fanfic about a new creepypasta about a girl who's mother and father has been killed and her little sister was taken kidnapped, she mets one of the crepypasta (don't know who yet maybe Smilely) who helps her secretly find her sister. Later in the story the heroine goes mad in the search for her sister, and other creepypastas have to help her back into her normal world because they want her to be normal. I've been thinking about this for a while so what do ya think?
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AWESOME! Put smile dog in it! PWEASE!

sorry I ended up not adding any creepypastas to it I kinda jut winged it and it became a story in a series =.= its making me tired
on January 05, 2014
on January 05, 2014
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Have you ever wondered what your name means? Then find out at What Does Your Name Mean?! just type it in the search bar! Even if you know what your names mean, you could post other things! It's up to you so please join!
on November 25, 2013
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If you are a stalker of me (jk) you would see that in posts of other peoples quizes i've left little snitbits of what would happen in the story.
on November 25, 2013
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.... it sounds really good but i have to say, why not let the creepypastas keep her that way, what if they were the ones to murder her parents and needed her to be in there little party, i can see them evilly looking at her and taking her in as she decends into madness and murders those who get in her way in her search of her little sister when she one day accidentally kills her!!
OMG :-O i am getting way over worked over this, see the inspiration you had slammed at me XP oh See More well but thats my idea love yours and i'm looking forward to reading it!!
OMG :-O i am getting way over worked over this, see the inspiration you had slammed at me XP oh See More well but thats my idea love yours and i'm looking forward to reading it!!

no prob ;D yaay stories!! i like reading :P especially creepy pasta related ordeals :D
on November 25, 2013

on November 25, 2013

aaawww i have to see that pic!! but that was only my opinion and as you can see my name as psychotic alice, i always have to twist something >:D, then again its always nice to read something nice, i really like your idea :3
on November 25, 2013

thanks a lot, but i saw i pic on pintrist it was saying what Slender wanted Sally Eyeless Jack and Jeff The Killer to grow up to be if they never died/went mad that kinda made me think that Slender really cares for people who have fallen like he has. Maybe he sees how pure she was and didn't wanted to her to fall.
on November 25, 2013
on November 25, 2013
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just realized when I asked this it was on my wall....... not a question...... nice job Celest -.-*
on November 25, 2013