On mlp: fim has anyone noticed that there hasn't been a single apearence of Fluttershy's family? Is it me, or does Fluttershy not have a family? I mean think about it, everyone knows Applejack's family, we've seen Pinkie Pie's Rock farm family, Rainbow Dash's dad for a split second, Rarity's parent's and little sister, and Twilight's parents brother and sister in-law, but where's Fluttershy's Family? It's possible she was an orphan, but still wouldn't they bring it up at some point and not just leave it in the backround like that uestion would never be brought up? Tell me in the comments what your view on this topic is.
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They might show her family in season 4 or something. Maybe she is an orphan (poor her).
on November 18, 2013